Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wednesday HOdgepodge

1. What can the average citizen do to honor a military veteran and/or those currently serving?

Attend a parade to show your respect.  The 'younger generation' are so distant from wars-WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War.  They do not know anyone who fought in these wars.  I think it is easier for 'the younger' generation to forget.  Attending a parade is a visual reminder of the sacrifice of those who died for our freedom.

2. Besides a flag what is something you own that is red, white and blue?

Clothing-shirt and a flag pin,

3. Does love really conquer all?

In my opinion..no.    No matter how much you love someone, bad 'stuff' can still happen to that person; love may help.

4. Strawberry shortcake or blueberry pie?
Strawberry shortcake-go easy on the whip cream!

5. Do you share personal stuff with your hairdresser?
No-unless I want everyone to know.  If you want to know anything just ask a hairdresser.  As the saying goes-only your hairdresser knows for sure.

6. Does money lead to selfishness?

Since I don't have money, I would say probably No.  I think money makes a person more self-sufficient and people would perceive a person with money as being selfish.

7. What piece of furniture in your home most needs replacing or refinishing?

The couch in  the den.  When hub and I purchased the house, we were told the couch was built in the den.  The only way to remove the couch is to tear it down.  Four years later, the couch is still there. 

8. Insert your own random here
Made reservations to Myrtle Beach!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1. What's something you miss about the 1980's? If you're too young to miss the 80's how about the 90's?
The music--I miss the songs of AC/DC, U2, Guns N'Roses, Van Halen...list can go on and on...

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/co6WMzDOh1o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>

2. Do you have a library card? If so, how often do you visit?
Yes-I love my Reader but I miss going to the library.  Usually I visit the library twice a month.  In the summer, I go weekly-taking my grandson to the children's program!  I don't want the library to become obsolete!  More people are reading now-using the new technology out there but the library is still a place to go and check out a good book.
3. What's the secret to success?
One of my favorite poems:
"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.  This is to have succeeded!" ---Emerson
This to me is the secret to success.

4. This is National Backyard Games week...what's your favorite backyard game?
Playing volleyball with a beach ball!!  #1 Daughter and I play against #2 daughter.
5. If I dropped by today what would I find on your coffee table?
Uh Oh---I don't have a coffee table-this was removed when I had the girls.  Hub is a worry wart over bumps, scratches, etc.  So the coffee table went and the girls stayed.  Hadn't thought of having a coffee table since, until now.
6. Do you own a bicycle? When was the last time you rode a bicycle? Is that something you enjoy?
No longer own a bicycle.  Riding a bicycle use to be one of my favorite times to think, but lately haven't had the time/energy.  Last summer was the last time I rode.
7. What's your favorite cheese?
Not a cheesy person.  My favorite cheese is Fontina Cheese.
8. Insert your own random thought here

#2 daughter graduated from UVA-Wise on Saturday.  So proud of her accomplishments.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Another chapter,,,,,

Daughter #2 graduated Saturday....

Yeah!! says my checkbook....

But where does the time go.....

Only yesterday..we were celebrating her first steps, then off to
Kindergarden, Middle School, High School, loading her 'stuff'
into college dorms-yep flights of stairs, then moving
off campus and now....


A happy graduate!!

Make sure the hat is decorated, right?

Friday evening was the departmental awards.  So proud of daughter for receiving an award!!

On Sunday, we gave her a graduation party.

and had her basketball jersey framed for her-

Another chapter in her book has ended.

More chapters are waiting to be written.

Saturday, May 12, 2012



This was us last night as we began our first and most definitely not
our last--Relay For Life!

Like I have mentioned, this was our first time participating in Relay for Life.  Our team H2O-Hope to Offer raised $2,000!!  At the beginning of the relay, I must admit I became a little emotional as the Survivors walked around the track.  Each person's name was announced along with the years of surviving cancer.

Hub was stepping 'high' as spectators cheered.

After the Survivor's Walk, the Party Began! 
There was Zumba...

Live animals..

He scared hub ,,,,,LOL!

Teams were very creative with their tents.    This is one of my favorites...

There was so much food...ranging from pizza to steaks!
At 10:00pm the lights were turned off and each luminary lit.  The luminaries covered both sides of the high school track.  What an amazing sight.

                      My Aunt who is a survivor -lung cancer-diagnosed in 2010.
           My Hub who is a survivor-colon cancer-diagnosed in 2010.
                                                 and  My precious Dad-who didn't survive lung cancer-passed away in 1984,

There is a story-behind his name Osh-not his real name- His real name was William-but all called him 'Osh'  Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and wish he could have seen his grandchildren,

Hub, daughter and I walked the track.  There were so many people we knew...but then never knew they have been struck with this horrible 'C' word.  My daughter pointed to the hillside above the track-there spelled out in lights was the word 'Hope' and tears flowed from my eyes.  Tears I could not control.  An emotion I can not capture with words.

The party lasted till 7am the next morning.  We weren't able to spend the night, but might as well should have.  What a party.  Tonight the horrible 'C' word we hate to hear stood for something else--and that word was Celebration.  Every day is a celebration for beating the disease!

This song has become one I have begun listening to....  Every day a person surviving Cancer-runs....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. What is a pet peeve you have when vacationing?
Hearing the lawn mower early in the morning.
2. Would you describe yourself as a light packer or do you need everything in your closet plus the kitchen sink?
Depends- Going to basketball games, I was definitely a light packer.  I was able to pack all in a duffel bag.  Now going somewhere else-I need everything including the kitchen sink.  I just have difficulty deciding on outfits-which means extra shoes, and other  accessories-right?
3. What's the best lesson a child ever taught you?
The act of forgiveness.
4. Share one piece of advice you'd give a recent graduate as they attempt to enter the job market?
Advice would be-which I will be saying to #2 daughter in a couple of weeks if she doesn't get in grad school, would be to be aggressive and be able to justify why YOU are the best person for the job.  Plus-SMILE-don't look so grumpy.
5. What's your .favorite lemon something?
Lemon pound cake.  Something I read recently-if you take a tablespoon of lemon juice a day it will help prevent cancer.  Yep, my last words to hub-don't forget to drink your lemon juice,
6. Flat sandal, wedge, heel...your favorite footwear?
Heel  Here lately, I adore flip flops.
7. What do you like best about a beach holiday? If you're not a beach lover (GASP!!) what do you dislike the least?
The quiet, peaceful, feeling the beach brings out in me.  Just hearing the ocean brings a sense of calmness.  Looks like we aren't able to go this year-:(  #1 daughter isn't able to go because she will be on pharmacy rotations-shucks--would love to go.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference."  A.A. Milne

Little Man came through his surgery okay on Monday.  :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Little Trooper

Little Man had his surgery this morning,  He was very bright eyed at 5:30 this morning.  He enjoyed coloring and listening to his music.

He had no idea what was in store for him,  He liked the cap and having all the attention,

Surgery went well.  Praise The Lord!
He was a real trooper through it all.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend tidbits

Why do I let my daughters talk me into things? 

#2 daughter will be graduating in a couple of weeks from University and #1 daughter has a year left of Pharmacy School. so both decided to have a yard sale.  #2 daughter will be bringing her furniture home and even though #1 daughter has a year left in school-she will be on rotations-which thankfully most are close to home-so now #1 daughter has decided to bring home furniture and other items.  Hub and I have 3 extra bedroom furniture, 2 extra kitchen tables, 2 extra living room furniture and so....I said let's put the extra furniture in storage.  #2 daughter plans on going to physical therapy school and she will need bedroom furniture, etc.  But no-they had other plans-like having a yard sale.  Why did I agree?  that's what moms do!
We started Friday night-hauling out tables and "stuff."  The game plan was to get as much sorted as we could, however the longer we worked into the night, the sillier we became.  So we planned on getting up early Saturday morning-like around 5.  Yeah, I thought, I would be the one up and you two will be sound asleep.  But I was wrong-I heard banging at 5:30 and both were up.  More 'stuff' to drag out and then the rain came.  So we drug the 'stuff' back into the garage, and in about 30 minutes the rain stopped, and we drug the 'stuff' back out. 

Where they had all this is still beyond me.  I was glad when both girls decided to call it a day and pack it all back up.  I think we had only two trash bags worth of stuff to pack back up.  What surprised me the most was the girls thought this was so fun, and they want to do it again!  Only next time, I am not going to join in on their 'little fun.'
We kept grandson last night which is always exciting,  Never a dull moment around a 3 year old.  He has to have surgery in the morning, so a little nervous about this.  Last night after I gave him his bath and was getting ready to dry him off, he said 'Mamow just hold me-I missed you so much,"  Of course, tears were in my eyes.  I see him everyday but last night was just so special,
After church this morning, we all headed to Sweet Frog.  A nice treat after a long weekend.
Now hubs is doing what he does best on a Sunday afternoon

and I am trying to get Nate's things ready for his surgery in the morning.  Nate is such a sweet boy and


please whisper a prayer for him in the morning as he has surgery.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...