Sunday, October 28, 2018

Six Months


What does six months mean to you?

Six months until I graduate....oh how happy to finally be through with all this schooling and ready to take on the world.

Six months until I marry the man of my true love...the person I will share the rest of my life with.

Six months until the birth of my baby...I can't wait to hold that bundle of joy.

Six months until vacation...I have worked so hard and can't wait for some rest and relaxation time.


Six months until I celebrate my birthday...

Six months until Christmas

Six months of free trial on an app


Six months until you die....What???  This was the news hub received Tuesday from his doctor at Duke.  Husband has been battling cancer.  He was first diagnosed with colon cancer in 2010.  He took the chemotherapy for 7 months...became allergic on the 11th cycle, but hey, his oncologist said that research has said that 6 cycles were sufficient and he had 11 cycles!  He went for all his check-ups as scheduled and all was great.  In 2017, he began having abdominal pain and he went for a scan.  Cancer had rid its ugly head again.  He had surgery at Duke in May 2017, went through the desensitizing for chemo (no luck still allergic), began a new chemo and this chemo worked great until January of 2018.  We began searching other options and were told to stay at Duke.  In July and August of this year, he had embolization..which is a type of radiation like a heart cath...same procedure but instead of going to the heart...radiation beads (over a million we were told) were shot into his liver.  For the past few weeks he has not been feeling the best....loss of appetite (he has lost over 80 lbs), very tired, hurting more, more fullness, and weak.  I contacted Duke and explained all these symptoms and he was scheduled for test.  I knew husband wasn't doing well, but I never expected his oncologist to say...Mr. Doane you have six months or less to live!!!  Oh how the tears flowed.  I was so thankful our minister was with us to drive us back home.  

On the way home much talk as to how to tell our daughters and hub's son.  We decided to tell them that evening.  We texted them and asked them to meet us at the coffee shop around 9 (that was when we would be getting home) and not to call us.  We pulled into the driveway and shortly after wards they came.  Daughter #2 could tell something was wrong...due to my swollen eyes...I cried all the way could I not?  Daughter #1, I do believe knew..she is a doctor of pharmacy and she knew the symptoms her father was having were not good. Husband's son wanted to know what he wanted to do or was there a place he wanted to go.  Me...I wanted to scream to the top of my lungs!!

The next morning, I tried to gather my thoughts.  Was this a dream?  How were we to go on?  I wanted all this to be a big nightmare. Hub and I have cried a lot, been reminiscing, shared many hugs, and have had tough talks.  He has taught me and is still teaching me the everyday business of the pharmacy;  Daughter #1 is the pharmacist, but husband has been taking care of the business end for the past 5 years so I am trying to take on this role now. 

Some changes have happened these last five days since we heard those dreadful words...
Husband's son has started having his two boys ride the school bus to our house in the evenings...we haven't really seen these two boys like we use to,  many friends have stopped by to talk some holding hub's hand and crying with him, much food has been brought to the house, and many phone calls and text.  We really do appreciate all these acts of kindness and I do know each one means so much to my precious husband, Charlie.

Today was hard in church.  I tried to smile, but the tears kept flowing.  I never thought abut hub dying.  I told hub after church, even though we heard six months or is up to the Great Physician...God.  He is the only one who knows when that day will come...Until then, I keep my trust and faith in God and keep praying.

and though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm.....

Sunday, October 21, 2018

National Book Month

 Image result for national book month october

National Book Month is October.... Now if I were still teaching, I would have remembered that!!  I remember doing much for the students during the month of October...character dress up day is one that comes to my mind.  The students would dress up in their favorite book character and parade the hallways.  After reading a particular novel, the students would portray that character in front of the class.  When the SOL's (Standards of Learning Test) came around, teachers neglected much of these activities to cover so much material the students would be tested on..(sigh)

Sadly, I must admit, I have not done much reading (for enjoyment that is) this year.  Dealing with hub's cancer for the second time, I have read much research on his cancer.  There seems to always be a cure, BUT the FDA hasn't approved it...that is how the story goes. 

I became a Mammow in January!!  March I began keeping my this cutie pie.
My reading has been Peppa Pig books...He loves Peppa Pig!  Naturally, I read to him my favorite book...Love You Forever even though he usually becomes squirmish half-way through.
Image result for love you forever book
I read this book to both of my daughters, also.  

Daughter #1 got married a few weeks ago.
My readings consisted of things related to bridal 'stuff'.   

I have been able to squeeze in a few books of my own chosing. Yay...for me!  Finally got around to reading The Client by John Grisham, Night Road by Kristin Hannah (she was one of my favorite authors for a long time), Winners by Danielle Steel, but my favorite book so far has been Rush by Lisa Patton.  Currently, I am reading The Hideaway by Lauren Denton.  I do enjoy reading...a means of escape for me.  Just for a little while, I can escape the troubles and drama that seems to be going around me. 

This week the local elementary school is celebrating Eat With Someone Grand.  Grandparents are encouraged to come to the school (designated time and date) and eat with his/her grandchild.  Also it is Book Fair Week!! reckon because grandparents cannot say no to buying their grandchild some books???  I plan on going tomorrow and Wednesday and most definitely will spend a few (more like a lot) of money on books they choose to buy.

Tuesday, hub and I head to Duke.  He hasn't been feeling well and has started some swelling.  Duke plans on doing a CT Scan to see what is going on.  If you have a few minutes will you say a prayer for him...I am a little concerned...well, more like a lot concerned.  This cancer journey is scary. Thanks.

Have a Blessed Week...
Enjoy Life...and if you have time Enjoy Reading.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Daughter's Wedding

 It happened....
#1 Daughter got married Saturday....

The wedding rehearsal dinner was held on Thursday evening.  The groom had a few men  who were high school football coaches...and we all know that on Friday it is  football that was okay to have the rehearsal on Thursday.  I liked it... so Friday was spent decorating the church and the reception hall.
These two little guys were ushers.
Nate loves his little cousin.

Saturday was a gorgeous summer (even though the calendar said October) day.  Daughter has had three open heart surgeries and her last open heart surgery was last year...October 12, 2017 to be exact (a mother never forgets).  Her two pediatric cardiologist, her surgeon's assistant, and her echo cardiologist drove down frpm Charlottesville.  Daughter was thrilled and some tears were shed remembering all she had been through...and how far she has come.

Two of my closest friends who are also college roommates and sorority sisters came from Atlanta.
Had to have a picture with Father of the Bride.
Picture with #2 daughter and her little man. They spent the weekend in daughter's apartment.
I was so glad to see them.

I was so happy for daughter.  She was a beautiful bride..I am not a bit prejudice!

Everyone seemed to enjoy the reception and loved the band.

Here is just a few pics....this Mother of the Bride...forgot to take pictures!  Shame on me...I was just enjoying Daughter's Wedding Day. Thank you to all who shared pictures with me.

 Father and Daughter glad hub was feeling okay.  Cancer is tough ya'll.

Their first dance as husband and wife.

The best looking ushers a mom could want.

 I only shed a few tears and was doing pretty good until her sister became teary eyed.  The love between no other.

 It was a beautiful wedding, and I was so glad hub was feeling like dancing.

Now, I can't wait to see the professional pictures.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...