Sunday, September 30, 2012

It rained on my parade.but the sun still came out

 This weekend was the 60th Apple Festival!  The town is all decorated with fall themes.

 I began making apple dumplings Friday night.  One of hubs favorite treats.

 Saturday morning hub and I get up very early.  We begin making country ham biscuits. By 7:00 am we are ready to begin.

We made 90 country ham biscuits!  Many stopped by and enjoyed eating under 'our little shed' before the parade which  begins at 10:00.

 This is an exciting time in Chilhowie.  Many people come to this annual event from

Kentucky to

the streets were lined for the parade.

 Leading the parade is our band.

 Then the rain came..

and the parade continued....

 After the parade, there is a band competition.  I did feel sorry for the band members playing their instruments and performing in the rain.  Band members do have a special talent for this.

Later that evening we built a fire in our fireplace.

 It was S'more Time!

 Sunday all heads back out to the Apple Festival.  What a glorious day!

 Many activities to enjoy-from pet shows

eating ice cream

.  to bungee jumping

and bull riding...

A great time for our community to come together,  A great 60th Apple Festival!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge.....

1. What's the best and worst thing thing about growing older?
Best---seeing the world differently and learning to enjoy life more-taking each day as a new day.  Worst-body aches and pains and losing loved ones.

2.   Autumn arrives this week in the Northern Hemisphere...what one thing do you love most about the fall season? 
The beautiful scenery-leaves are beginning to turn in Virginia.

3.  Speaking of fall...pumpkin seems to be flavoring everything these days-are you a fan?   What's your favorite pumpkin flavored food or beverage? 
Not much a fan of the taste of pumpkin.  I do like the color and like that the fashion industry is coming out with more pumpkin colors.

4.  Since we're on the subject of fall...what's the worst fall you've ever taken?

Two weeks ago, I fell out of my desk chair.  I was talking to another colleague, sat on the edge of my rolling chair and the chair flipped back.  The  top half of my body hit the edge of my desk-bruising occurred in some tender areas (if you follow my drift) and I landed on my butt-thankfully I have much padding there and this wasn't as hurtful.  My colleague rushed to my side and helped me up-she thought I had hit my head as I went tumbling out of my chair.

5.  If you could own a prop from any film what would you choose? 
Drawing a blank.....:(

6. What's the most interesting word you've read or learned in the past week?
 Duh....can't think of one right now-believe my brain is not working-I blame this on all the paperwork, teacher evaluation forms/goals to complete , bus duty, and homecoming activities happening this week!

7. When was the last time you locked yourself out of your house, car, or office?  Was it a big deal?
Many years ago---20+ since I locked myself out of house.  On the other hand, I usually lock myself out of my classroom (have to keep doors locked) -not a big deal.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Busy week ahead.....
Loved seeing my college roommates this past weekend.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind

I kept Grandson Friday night and #2 daughter and I took him to the football game.  He was a hit with the young ladies.  As a matter of fact, it took us longer to get to our seats (everyone wanting to talk/hug him) than sitting watching the game.  No surprise there!

Saturday morning I woke with the sun shining in through the windows and a three year old peering at me. It was after all after 8, so it was time to get up.  I never sleep in past 7 so this was a treat for me.  Hub was already up and had been to a yard sale.  He was so excited about his purchases and was calling for me to come and see.  I had to get my coffee first.  Hub loves antiques so.....I just don't where we are to put his 'stuff.'  

The washboard is glass not metal-had never seen a glass one before.  Carefully we put it all in the shed outback until hub finds a place for them.  

Began decorating for fall.  We have the Apple Festival in a couple of weeks, so I needed to get some decorations out.

As soon as I finished, I had a great phone call.  Three of my friends were in Bristol  celebrating their class reunion.  I had not seen one of them in over 22 years.  We decided to meet in Abingdon at Bella's and have a late lunch.  I was so excited.  

Sitting in my car, I wasn't able to contain the emotions I was feeling.  When they pulled in the parking lot, I quickly jumped out of my vehicle and was ready for some hugs.  Two of the friends live in Georgia ( I was able to see them a couple of years ago)  and the other one lives in Florida-which has been at least 22 years since we had seen each other. Yes, we were all college roommates and joined the same sorority.  They could only stay a couple of hours because of other reunion plans.  How does one catch up on 22+ years in only a few hours?  Very quickly! plus we are going to arrange a girls' weekend in the near future!   These women are so special to me.  We are more like sisters than friends. 

Tho'  the miles may separate us-we will always remember one another and remain close.

It is beginning to look and feel like fall 'in my neck of the woods.'

Have a great week and enjoy life!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?  The NFL is back in action along with all the college teams.  Are you a fan?  Who do you root for?  If you're not a fan what do you do while the rest of America watches Saturday, Sunday, Monday night, and now Thursday night games? 

Go big Orange!!

Pro-Go Denver! because of Peyton Manning
I enjoy sports!

2. What's something I'll always find in your closet?
 Dust bunnies-lol

3. Share one of your earliest memories.
Going horseback riding with my dad.  My horse was white and I named her Honeycomb after the cereal.  A happy memory.

4. What circus act best describes your week so far?
Being /a clown.  Hard to get 8th graders motivated this week, so I have had to wear my clown hat.

5. What's a food you disliked as a child but you love now?
Broccoli-raw or steamed.  My favorite food now that I despised as a child--chicken livers.

6.  Describe your summer in three words. 

Blissful, lively, and sizzling.

7.  Where were you on September 11, 2001? Will you do anything special to mark the day this year?
I was headed to a teacher conference with two other colleagues.  I figured we wouldn't have to go but we did.  I remember many restaurants closed and the night being so quiet with no airplanes coming into the airport at Roanoke.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Fall seems to be coming to my neck of the woods.  

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind.....

Be careful what you wish for......

I know I have been complaining a lot lately about the weather, but it has just been too dag burn hot!  Yesterday it rained and...
I got my wish.  This was the high yesterday.  Going from 90 to this was a shock for some but I kind of enjoyed the coolness.  

Later that evening hub built a fire in a firplace out back.
Sitting around and enjoying some of 'our' music was my kind of night.

Looking ahead ....I think this may be an easy week!  Only one thing scheduled this week.
Hmmm...may have to go to Zumba Monday.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. In your opinion what's the most important job in the world? Oh, and parenting is a given so besides parenting, what's the most important job in the world?

Teaching----Not only do I teach the standards (academics), but I am also a parent to students who have no one, a nurse when one isn't feeling very well, a police officer-one has to obey the laws/rules, a preacher because I do talk about values, and I am sure I can think of more....  No wonder some days I am extremely exhausted!!  I teach middle school so my hat goes off to the elementary teachers out there for I am sure they encounter more than I do.

2. Share a favorite or not so favorite memory from a childhood birthday.

My sixth birthday party.  I remember having a huge party with 30+ kids and playing so many games.  I don't remember the presents I received just playing games.

3. Peanut butter-crunchy or smooth?


4. William Butler Yeats is credited as saying, "Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing." Your thoughts
A person should be content with their life, but not bored.  I

5. What's something that makes you cringe?

Seeing drivers text while driving!!!!

6. Name a song that always puts you in a good mood?

A song.... Kook & The Gang----Celebration

7. The answer is yes. What's the question?

Am I hot?   Yes, definitely--my classroom was 91 on Friday and 88 Tuesday--Shew!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Had a great Labor Day.  I wish I could rewind summer,

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind....

First, I need to let you know Emily started substituting-a 9th grade physical education class on Thursday.

A proud Daddy--he is smiling because now Emily can earn some money!!
Friday afternoon her first words to me were "I am not going to teach."  "The kids won't listen and it is hot."   (clear throat)

Saturday, I attended two reunions.

First, was the Shaker Nation Reunion.  When I attended high school-the name of the school was R.B. Worthy High School the home of the Shakers.  About 20+ years after graduation, they combined R.B. Worthy with another high school-new name, new color, new mascot--Northwood High School-Panthers.  
I met up with an ole friend Saturday at the reunion- one I hadn't seen in at least 30+ years.  Oh My the stories we remembered and then answered with "Did I do that"? Old friends and old shoes are best for relaxing. People I didn't recognize remembered me and then vice versa.  A slide show that had us all laughing and wondering what had ever happened to so and so was a hoot.  Then came the last slide show-a list of names--  our friends who weren't celebrating with us--so many people taken before their time.  My friend and I sat quietly for a few minutes--hard to believe some of the names we had just seen.  Every day is a gift from God.  A gift one should enjoy because one never knows when your gift will be taken.
Saying good-bye to great friends...:(

Next reunion.......

Perryville-also known as the Muck Dam-was my home for many years.  The muck dam burst in 1924 killing many people.  Later houses were built on top of the Muck.  Olin Mathinson was the factory in town where all families worked.  In the 70's Olin was shut down-pouring mercury in the water.  Many people were transferred to other locations-Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana , Ohio,.....  Years later the houses were all torn down-out of 30 houses only 5 remain. After we all ate, we sat around giggling about all the 'stuff' we did-like hiding  from our parents when they were yelling for us to come in because it was dark and we wanted to play outside a little longer (a shock to some who are younger), helping kill chickens for dinner later in the week, trying to smoke cigarettes inside of a car (wonder why we always got caught-especially when we had the windows rolled down cause the smoke was bothering us!), driving our neighbors' cars and parking them somewhere else, ......  So many stories to be told of us growing up.  Olin may have taken our houses, but never our memories of growing up on the Muck Dam.
That night most of us headed to Saltville to listen to music by Rick R and the Allnighters.  Never heard of them?  Us either-but they were great-that is if you like 50's, 60's 70's & 80's music. Some Muck Dam kids even danced in the streets!!  I found one of their songs on You Tube so.....
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Emily (#2) daughter got a surprise this weekend.  Emily was planning on flying to Arizona to be with her best friend.  Her friend is in the army and will be leaving for Hawaii in 3 weeks, then in a few months to Afghanistan.  Emily's plan fell through, so her friend flew in to see her!! The last time they had seen each other was when Emily had graduated.

She is like another daughter to me.

Another tear jerky good-bye.

I found out the best cure for sadness--when it comes to saying good-byes is FOOD!  So after we stop sobbing we headed to Olive Garden.

Then to.....

Nothing makes you feel any better than food and coffee.

So I leave you with this .....
Someday many years from now
We'll sit beside the candles glow
Exchanging tales about our past
And laughing as the memories flow
And when that distant day arrives
I know it will be understood
That friendship is the key to live
And we were friends and it was good. 
- Eileen Hehl

Enjoy your week!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...