Sunday, June 30, 2013

Some happenings....

I have neglected writing for a while.  Not that I have meant to, but other things have kept me busy.

First-our little business is coming along.  Three months ago this is what it looked like....

Now it is beginning to take on our character....

Walls are all wood
Siding has been replaced, furniture has been built, and chairs have been refurnished.  Yeah!!!  Plans on to open by August/September.  Just in time for school--like I need something else during this time.

Week of June 18 was a full week of Bible School.  We had over 100 children each night.  A true blessing.
Me and 'little man' had 19 children in his age group (3/4 year olds)

This week I have had dental and doctor appointments.  I will not schedule dental and doctor appointments in the same week, that is if I can help it ever!

I have also kept 'little man' some and whew--I have been losing track of time.  I have forgotten how hard it is to clean when a 4 year old is around and trying to juggle everything else that is going on.

Saturday we drove into Boone, North Carolina.  Hub wanted to see the pharmacy and daughter and I wanted to do some shopping.  I absolutely the love country store-of course the first floor is an eye opener-I have never seen so much candy!!!  I picked up a couple of items and $13.00 worth of candy that is after buying a pound of fudge!!  Sugar Shock!!  We ran into some ole friends that use to go to church with us and had a nice long chit chat, saw a friend from school, and ate a nice lunch.  The day was profitable.

Sunday we decided to drive down to the lake.  

Really surprised not to see many enjoying the lake on a gorgeous afternoon.  Hub drove over the dam-now I don't do well with heights....

so I tried taking pictures to get my mind off of the drive.  Of course, hub was saying look how beautiful and I kept reminding him to keep his eyes on the road or else I would drive!!

These are just a few happenings in my life right now.  Looking forward to some R & R time soon!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

30-Day Challenge


I miss seeing my parents at a young age and I miss so many 'things' I did as a kid.

My father passed away at a very young age-47 to be exact.  I miss so many things/talks we shared.

Today so many children do not know how to communicate or even play.  There were so many games I played as a kid that did not require any type of technology--examples_  Kick the Can, Dodge Ball, Red Light Green Light, Mother May I, Red Rover-.  Today as I watch children play-they don't know how.

I also missing actually communicating with a person-not texting or listening to a pre-recorded message.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

30 Day Challenge

June 20th  I will be celebrating my 32nd anniversary.

 Oh, I do remember my wedding day.  In this picture, I am telling my father, Are you ready for this?

It was a very hot June day.  The church did not have any AC then.  Every time the windows were open the candles would go out.

My two flower girls-my aunt's daughter on the left-and my uncles's daughter-also named after me on the right.  Both girls did great.

Our reception was held in a restaurant.

I remember telling hub he had sweat dripping off his nose!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

30 Day Challenge-Looking Forward

Looking forward....

Now that I am a little beyond mid-life, I am looking forward to so many things.  I would love to travel-and unfortunately hub is very content staying in our small town.  On the other hand, I want to see the world.

I am also looking forward to our little business adventure-hub and I plan the Grand Opening in September.  A lot of sweat and muscle power has been used on this little adventure.

I am looking forward to writing the last check to colleges for daughters--YEAH!!!  Being debt free would be great.

I am looking forward to the rest of my summer vacation, and along with that the beginning of a new school year.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

30 Day Challenge


I am about cleaning up a mess.  I constantly am picking up something, sweeping up a mess, cleaning the dishes.  I know many think I am crazy, but I straighten up my house a lot.

Friday, June 14, 2013

30 Day Challenge

A picture I love:

How about two pictures---The first is of my two daughters-I am so proud of all their accomplishments.

The next picture is of the family.  Relay for Life is one of the organizations we truly hold close to our heart since the 'C' word has now become part of our family.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weekend Rewind

The weather did cooperate on Saturday-a no rain day.  It was rained so many days here, and we have not had a rain free weekend in months.  I realized many places may be experiencing drought conditions, but not here.

Our building is progressing-a business venture we have planned.  So Friday we cleaned up a couple of rooms which took hours and hours and much muscle power and sweat.

Saturday the sun was shinning!!  Hub wanted to have shrimp on the grill.

We had a few people over to enjoy the shrimp and other stuff.

Later, hub's mother wanted to come back over.  Hub's mother only weights 90lbs-probably that is stretching it a little, and she is 77 years old.  Her back had been hurting and daughter and boyfriend said they would go and help her to come back over.  This is what I saw when I looked up..

daughter's boyfriend was carrying her.  And he is smiling!!!  :)  A priceless picture.

We all enjoyed the night!

Wishing all a blessed week!

My friends

30 Day Challenge

A picture of my friends:

These are my college friends, roommates, and sorority sisters.  Two live in Georgia and one lives in Florida.  Gosh-we still were able to catch up right where we left off.  Much has changed over the years, but I truly love these gals!

Friday, June 7, 2013

30 Day Challenge

Favorite Movies:

A couple of favorites here:

1  Pretty Woman--

2.  The Help

3.  The Lion King

Thursday, June 6, 2013

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things: Day 6

Today here are a few of my favorite things:

1.  God is always first

2.  Family

3.  Listening to God's Holy Word on Sunday mornings

4.  Teaching the Wee Church

5.  Reunions

6.  Basketball

7.  Beach/Ocean--just brings a sense of peace

8.  Daughters's accomplishments

9.  Fresh vegetables from the garden

10.  Christmas

11.  Delivering meals at Thanksgiving

12.  Siting by a fire on cool evenings

13.  Making S'mores

14.   My town's Apple Festival

15.  Sneaking away for a few days

16.  Hearing those famous words for school teachers:  No school due to weather

17.  Reading a good book

18.  Coffee

19 Participating in events for a cure for Cancer

20.  Looking at all God has created

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...