Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. The first day of spring is you enjoy working in the yard? Weeding, raking, mowing, planting-your favorite springtime garden chore? How about your least favorite?

Working in the yard is therapeutic to me-especially this time of the year. I take out my frustrations on the weeds.

Least favorite yard work would have to be raking.

2. What puts a spring in your step?

We have had such a dreary, rainy winter.

Having sunshine puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step.
I am experiencing a beautiful, warm spring weather. Temperatures have been in the high 70's to low 80's with plenty of sunshine!!!! I love seeing the trees and flowers blooming and hearing birds singing and children playing!
3. Describe a time when you had to spring into action?
Every morning I jump out of bed -or fall out of bed-and spring into action.
4. We're having carrots for dinner...would you prefer yours raw or cooked?
Carrots any way you want to fix them-I like them raw and crunchy or cooked with tons of butter.
5. Do you take the shampoos and other sundries from your hotel room when its time to check out?
This depends on the brand of shampoo and lotion.
6. What's the most enjoyable team or club you've belonged to and what was it that made it so?
I am a member of Relay for Life-The name of my team is H2O==Hope to Offer. This is the first year I have really become active and so far I have enjoyed all the fundraising activities. The walk is scheduled for May and I am looking forward to this. Cancer has been around in my life and I want to help find a cure anyway I can. One day I hope the 'C' will not be around!
7. Is cloning a sign of progress?
Yes, if done for the right reasons--to help find a way to fight against diseases.
8.  Random thought.
I am drowning in paperwork!!

oops---i hit publish too soon--I hate when I do that!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1. The first day of spring is you enjoy working in the yard? Weeding, raking, mowing, planting-your favorite springtime garden chore? How about your least favorite?

Working in the yard is theraputic to me-especially this time of the year.  I take out my frufrustrations on the weeds.


Least favortie yard work would have to be raking.

2. What puts a spring in your step?

We have had such a dreary, rainy winter.

Having sunshine puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step.
I am experiencing a beautiful, warm spring weather.  Temperatures have been in the high 70's to low 80's with plenty of sunshine!!!!  I love seeing the trees and flowers blooming and hearing birds singing and children playing!
3. Describe a time when you had to spring into action?
Every morning I jump out of bed -or fall out of bed-and spring into action. 
4. We're having carrots for dinner...would you prefer yours raw or cooked?
Carrots any way you want to fix them-I like them raw and crunchy or cooked with tons of butter.
5. Do you take the shampoos and other sundries from your hotel room when its time to check out?
This depends on the brand of shampoo and lotion.
6. What's the most enjoyable team or club you've belonged to and what was it that made it so?
I am a memeber of Relay for Life-The name of my team is H2O==Hope to Offer.  This is the first year I have really become active and so far I have enjoyed all the fundraising activities.  The walk is scheduled for May and I am looking forward to this.  Cancer has been around in my life and I want to help find a cure anyway I can.  One day I hope the 'C' will not be around!
7. Is cloning a sign of progress?
Yes, if done for the right reasons--to help find a way to fight against diseases.

8. Insert your own random thought here
I am drowning in paperwork!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Whew.....after much rain and wind I am amazed they are still standing.  Our weather, like many other places I am sure of, has sure been crazy.  These are outside of my window at school. 
Beautiful-aren't they? 

Both daughters have been home for spring break-not together, I might add.  But the weather was nice for both!!  #1 daughter wasn't ready to return to pharmacy school-wanted just a few more days.  #2 daughter was actually bored-hum.....

School is really keeping me busy and I have missed blogging. This time of year is so nerve wrecking-way too much paper work!  I can't believe we get a spring break and out in May!!!  This has never happened in all my years of teaching.

Many teachers are making plans-beach trips, Florida get-a-ways and even trips to Italy!  Me?  I plan on doing nothing.  I just want to get up on no schedule, eat on no schedule and do absolutely Nothing!
Hub and both daughters say--Mom we know you will do something, you just don't sit.  Who knows?
I can't wait to find out!!

Have a good week-

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. St. Patrick's Day will be celebrated this coming Saturday...what's a favorite article of clothing you own that contains a touch o' the green?
I had to go and look in closet.  Only one green piece of clothing-which was a skirt-how I got this is beyond me.

2. What's a favorite 'green space' in the town, state, or province where you live?
Don't have a 'green space' in our little town.  A few miles down the road, there is a beautiful 'green space'-lovely place to just sit and relax on a blanket.

3. Do you wish you were taller, shorter, or think you're just about right in the height department?
Just a little taller.
4. What's the surest way for someone to pick a fight with you?
When I hear someone demeanor a child-calling that child stupid or lately I heard someone say to a child -not even a school aged child-I will bust your mouth if you don't stop.  What has really gotten into our younger parenting generation-no patience and it all about them-not the child.
5. Broccoli-Spinach-String Beans-Peas...of the four, your favorite green veg? (Or the one you dislike the least if that first option's too hard. I just know there's some veggie haters out there.)
I like them all, so I would have to pick my least favorite-Spinach. But I probably need to be eating more spinach so I could get some muscles because both daughters reminded me it will be moving time again. #2 Daughter graduates in May-and #1 Daughter will begin her rotations in June.  I need some very strong muscles to move them out of the apartments! Since hub has had chemo treatment, he still hasn't gained his strength back-so any volunteers???
6. March is National Women's History Month...besides friends, neighbors and the women you're related to, who's a woman in history you admire and why?
Since, I can't choose my grandmother-who was a wonderful woman, I would have to choose Mother Teresa.  Personally, I feel she did so much for all.
7. Keep Calm and ____________on.
Keep Calm and Move on.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Only three more weeks until we have spring break. Yippeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did March come in like a lion or was it something less ferocious in your neck of the woods?
Can I answer both?  I just did.  March 1 & 2 beautiful with sunny skies and temperatures in  high 60;s to low 70's.  March 3rd-storm with tornado warnings issued and in and out of basement we traveled.  March 4th-snow storm warning-a couple inches of snow.  I do not like this up and down roller coaster weather we are experiencing.
2. Speaking of lions, which one's your film favorite...The Cowardly Lion (Wizard of Oz), Mufasa (The Lion King), Elsa (Born Free), or Alex (Madagascar)? You may notice I left Aslan off the list. Including him would have made this question way too easy for many of you.
3. What's your favorite spot from which to view the sunrise or sunset?
The beach!!
4. To what extent is knowledge power and to what extent is truth power? What's the difference?
They both can be very powerful.  The difference--truth-is being very honest and it can also be hurtful-but you wanted the truth, right?  Knowledge is an awareness of something-but knowledge can also be false understanding.
5. What's something peculiar you've seen recently?
6. Bottled water...your thoughts?
I don't drink bottled water......unless I have to be traveling and need to grab a drink but don't want a soft drink.  However, I am one who can't just drink plain water-unless I am really, really thirsty--I usually put some type of flavor in water. 
My thoughts.....I wish I would have thought of bottled water!!!! 

7. What's your strongest sense?
I don't know if I have one stronger than the other-but if I need to pick one, I would say hearing and smelling--Huh Oh--that is two!
8. Insert your own random thought here
Today was the first day of taking the Standards of Learning Test (Virginia) part one--multiple choice.  Tomorrow will be the second part of the test-students are given a topic and asked to write about that topic.  Today a student told me he had heard if students fail the test, then the teachers are fired. I replied to the student--you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.  I give you the information and you have to apply it. Teacher evaluations are being based on students' test scores.  In my opinion, not very fair.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...