Sunday, September 30, 2018

Football, Parade, Wedding

This is Wedding Week...but let's talk football and parade first.

This past week has been busy...

Daughter #1 who is getting married Saturday decided to put a float in our Apple Festival Parade...Sure I don't have but a million other things going through my head right, clothes, decorations, music, shoes, hairstyle, dry cleaning, etc.  You name is on my mind. And hub hasn't been feeling the best in the world..cancer is so mean and nasty.

So we began decorating a float...a simple float...I just didn't have much time to put a lot of thought into building a float...Why?  I was trying to get ready for a wedding!!  We began building/well sort of building the float on Tuesday...I had to go to Zumba Monday night..I needed a stress reliever..One needs to prioritize right?  Tuesday evening both daughters came and we began trying to assemble a float...

We used apple trees hung with apples, apple crates to sit on, apple kettle in the middle, and an apple used for advertising our pharmacy.  Okay, for one nights work. 

Wednesday-Thursday was spent doing more wedding errands and I finished the apple butter. Daughter has decided to give apple butter to all guest as favors.
This was a huge undertaking but it is finished!!  Yes, the jars were baked and the lids were sealed.!!

I wanted to relax Friday evening, but hub wanted to go to the football game...and what hub wants I do. The night was still kinda warm and #2 daughter came with her little man and her hub.

Hub had his picture made with the Homecoming Queen...
Little man wasn't too interested in the game...but he enjoyed all the attention he was getting.

Saturday was a beautiful day for a parade...and so glad because...

Hub was Grand Parade Marshall...
I was also so happy because Hub wasn't having  too much pain...did  I mention..Cancer Sucks because it really does.

Our high school quarterback wanted to ride on the float...well more actually a wagon...but daughter wanted free advertising and it worked!  Next year...our float will be better...I kept saying and promising this over and over to myself.

Little man was happy to go to his aunts house...and relax...afterwards

If I thought last week was crazy, I haven't seen anything yet...with this being wedding week.  I know I have already been through this once with younger daughter but like each daughter is different so is each daughter's wedding. I just pray hub is feeling good...did I mention Cancer Sucks?
I am excited for daughter and her future as a Mrs.
Let the celebration begin...
So glad the apple butter can be checked off of my list!!!!

Have a Blessed Week and Enjoy Life...

Sunday, September 23, 2018

No words


Tragedy struck my little community on Thursday evening....

A three-year-old was killed by a golf cart.  Personally, I didn't know this family...they had moved here a few months ago. 

The second tragedy---I personally knew the family.  A thirty-year old was killed in a farming accident.  This person just became a father for the first time two months ago.  The man's mother and I were friends for 20+ years...  Today, I didn't  know what to say....hoping my presence was enough.

Please pray for these two families as they go through the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Some happenings....

Some happenings....

#1 Daughter is getting married in 20 days!!! October 6th to be exact...
 I am thrilled for her and her future husband.  They became engaged the first of December....and now here it is wedding time. #1 Daughter, Amanda, is a pharmacist, and her future husband is a teacher..a government teacher.
Amanda had a bridal shower a few weeks ago...(I feel terrible about not blogging about this sooner, but with hub's sickness I simply forgot :(  :( 
Her colors are oasis and fall colors.  Since they both currently own their own house, they have pretty much two of everything.  Their plans are to purchase a piece of property and build their own house one day in the near future.
Here are a few pics of her bridal shower:

Her future mother-in-law, the lovely bride to be Amanda, and myself.

The lovely couple
Yesterday, we went to pick up her dress after they had finished with the is getting real, y'all!!  I cry every time I see her in the dress. Since it was only me with her, and since I know I will forget, and since I know I will be a little overwhelmed, I asked the lady if she would mind if I video tapped her as she was bustling up the gown.  She kindly agreed...Whew!  Now to show her matrons of honor...which will be her sister (who was home with a 7 month old) and her cousin (who was watching her son play football).

We are meeting with the wedding planner this week.  I keep asking my daughter about this and that and she says "Mom it is taken care of." But I have a list and I need to make sure before I can check it off...double check!!!!

A few days ago, we had a group of young ladies come to our house.  They had baked my husband, Mr. Charlie as they call him, some cookies. 

Before leaving, they asked if they could say a prayer for Mr. Charlie.  So they got in a circle and prayed for my sweet husband.

A few tears were shed, mostly from me and Charlie.  It was so thoughtful and touching knowing these young ladies baked cookies and wanted to come for a visit and pray for my husband.  So when people put down young people today....not all young teenagers are bad....there are some really good things teenagers are doing is just the bad gets noticed more.

My little man is growing up too fast....He really is....I love this age.  He was seven months old yesterday.

He is beginning to have a personality and a little temper!!

Today, was selfie Sunday at my church.  We have been planning this event for a few weeks.  We were given cards to invite people to church and take a selfie and post it to our church's face book.  It was really neat.  We had over 400 people at church today. 

The worship service was awesome and so was the can't have an event like this and not have food, now can you? 

Have a great week.  My prayers for all that has been and will be affected by Florence. Thankful that hub and I did not have to travel to Duke this week!

Enjoy Life

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Roller Coaster

Image result for hate cancer meme

Image result for hate cancer meme
It has been a few weeks....
This Cancer journey is a roller coaster of emotions....and it sucks!!!

Hub had a pretty good Labor Day.. He was able to enjoy the festivities for two nights and even attended a high school football game!!  I am so happy when he has good days.

Friday, September 7th, we traveled back to Duke.  He was scheduled for the second phase of the radioembolization.  They took him back a little after seven that morning....and he was discharged at 2pm that evening. 

I can see a change in husband...not only physically ( he is still losing weight...weighs 149lbs and weighed 187 in April) but emotionally as well.  I believe he is getting tired of fighting even though I encourage him daily and try to make things easier for him.  He isn't his happy, jolly self...he tries to put up a front, but I know...I know the pain, the heartache he is feeling. 

I have faith, but it is days like this...I question...Where Are You God?  Are You Listening?  I know you have seen my tears and heard my prayers as I cry out to you.  I know your timing is perfect, but I still question.  I see my husband suffer daily...cancer who would have thought...he was the healthy one in the family...exercised, ate right, was the peace maker...and a great person...Now Cancer has Sucked this out of him!!  I hate Cancer!!!

Today hasn't been a good day....Hopefully Tomorrow will be better.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...