Sunday, September 30, 2018

Football, Parade, Wedding

This is Wedding Week...but let's talk football and parade first.

This past week has been busy...

Daughter #1 who is getting married Saturday decided to put a float in our Apple Festival Parade...Sure I don't have but a million other things going through my head right, clothes, decorations, music, shoes, hairstyle, dry cleaning, etc.  You name is on my mind. And hub hasn't been feeling the best in the world..cancer is so mean and nasty.

So we began decorating a float...a simple float...I just didn't have much time to put a lot of thought into building a float...Why?  I was trying to get ready for a wedding!!  We began building/well sort of building the float on Tuesday...I had to go to Zumba Monday night..I needed a stress reliever..One needs to prioritize right?  Tuesday evening both daughters came and we began trying to assemble a float...

We used apple trees hung with apples, apple crates to sit on, apple kettle in the middle, and an apple used for advertising our pharmacy.  Okay, for one nights work. 

Wednesday-Thursday was spent doing more wedding errands and I finished the apple butter. Daughter has decided to give apple butter to all guest as favors.
This was a huge undertaking but it is finished!!  Yes, the jars were baked and the lids were sealed.!!

I wanted to relax Friday evening, but hub wanted to go to the football game...and what hub wants I do. The night was still kinda warm and #2 daughter came with her little man and her hub.

Hub had his picture made with the Homecoming Queen...
Little man wasn't too interested in the game...but he enjoyed all the attention he was getting.

Saturday was a beautiful day for a parade...and so glad because...

Hub was Grand Parade Marshall...
I was also so happy because Hub wasn't having  too much pain...did  I mention..Cancer Sucks because it really does.

Our high school quarterback wanted to ride on the float...well more actually a wagon...but daughter wanted free advertising and it worked!  Next year...our float will be better...I kept saying and promising this over and over to myself.

Little man was happy to go to his aunts house...and relax...afterwards

If I thought last week was crazy, I haven't seen anything yet...with this being wedding week.  I know I have already been through this once with younger daughter but like each daughter is different so is each daughter's wedding. I just pray hub is feeling good...did I mention Cancer Sucks?
I am excited for daughter and her future as a Mrs.
Let the celebration begin...
So glad the apple butter can be checked off of my list!!!!

Have a Blessed Week and Enjoy Life...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Amanda! Be sure and post some photos, I can't wait to see them!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. How did you meet your significant other? If you don't have a significant other, tell us how you met your best friend.  Hub and I me...