Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepdge

From this Side of the Pond

1. What's one thing you want to get done before the calendar flips to a new year?

I have absolutely no idea!!!  I still have Christmas and daughter's birthday (Dec. 26) to get through!  

I guess, I really need to get my car serviced before the end of the year.

2. What's something that brought a smile to your face this year?

Always my grandsons!!  They make all my worries disappear.

3. What do you like on a cracker? Do you have a favorite cracker variety? 

My favorite topping to put on a cracker is homemade pimento cheese.  I have found a little store (Mennonite) a few miles from me.  They make the best homemade pimento cheese.

My favorite cracker variety is Club or Graham Crackers.

4. Do you have plans for ringing in the new year in a fun or special way? Are you typically awake at midnight on the last day of the year? 

I usually have plans to ring in the new year.  I make a trip to see an ole college friend and we barely make it to midnight. My mom is very sick and probably will not have any special plans this year.

5. What are three words that describe your 2024? 

Drought!!  I love working in my garden and watching it produce.  This year, no rain!!  Even though I watered my garden daily, it wasn't the same as having rain. 

Transitions This is all related to work/school.  I have often said, our work family IS LIKE FAMILY.  I was very close to a colleague.  As a matter of fact, he would call me his "work wife."  This year, he left our school system and found another job closer to his home.  This was good for him, but sad for me.  Then, the first of October our principal left for personal reasons.  These type of transitions were hard to adjust to.

Sadness   This summer, my daughter's dog, a Boxer was very sick.  They had taken him to the Vet at Va Tech, and we all knew time was coming near.   When Champ, the Boxer, passed, my grandsons were so upset.  It was gut wrenching hearing and seeing them cry.

Then Hurricane Helene hit.  So much devastation just a couple of miles from me. There are still many people who are homeless and living in tents.

A couple of weeks ago, one of my students lost their mother unexpectedly.  Such sadness.

The first six months my words would be:

Cheerful  all was going smooth

Reader I finished 15 books before summer

Entertainer  I hosted many guests from March to June and loved every minute of it!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Last Friday, I took the boys to Tweetsie Railroad in Boone, N.C.  They had a great time and was in awe while riding the train.   I do get them gifts, but I also like to plan adventures with them at Christmas.  

The Grinch met me at school yesterday.

Wishing all a Merry Christmas!!!  

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. What's the best $5 gift to give someone? 

On goodness!  This is hard to answer!!!  Maybe a small make-up bag (not a fancy one) stuffed with a small tube of chapstick or small hand lotion.  This might be a little over $5.00.

2. What's your favorite way to relax/unwind during the busy holiday season? 

My favorite way to relax/unwind is to sit by the fire with a good book and a glass of wine.

3. How do you feel about gingerbread? Love  tube it or no thanks? Are gingerbread houses a part of your holiday tradition? If you said yes, how does that look? Do you like ginger flavor in other kinds of dishes? 

Not a fan of gingerbread at all nor do I like ginger flavor in other dishes.  

I usually purchase the grandsons a gingerbread house kit and they with their Mama build it.

4. December 5th is National Blue Jeans Day...will you be celebrating? Do you have a favorite brand? A favorite pair? Do you have a hard time parting with a favorite pair of jeans? Blue jeans-joggers-leggings-yoga pants...which one do you wear most often? 

Definitely be wearing blue jeans on December 5th.  We have dress-up days at school.  My favorite brands are Kancan Jeans or Judy Blue Jeans.  I really don't have a hard time parting with a favorite pair.

I wear leggings a lot to school.  I make sure my tops are nice and covers my bottom!!  Personally, I prefer leggings to jeans especially the butter-soft leggings.

5. As we head into this holiday season what's your biggest priority or goal for the end of the year? 

Positive self-talk and to wake up being grateful.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I am answering the questions, on Tuesday evening.  We were closed due to snow and the bitter cold.  Just last week the temps were very mild and now snowy and temps in the teens.  GEEZ!!  This woke me up!!

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.  My church packs and delivers meals on Thanksgiving Day.  This is something we have been doing for at least 20+ years.  My son-in-law and I delivered 106 meals and that is not counting the other people who were there to deliver.  The number keeps raising every year, but I am so thankful we can still do this.