Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind.....

Not much going on this weekend.  I wanted to go somewhere and do something but hub did not.  He wanted to just 'hang' around the house-like always. I like to go and adventure out, but hub is the kinda of man that is happy just doing nothing.

I did manage to talk him into going to the Chicagogea Festival on Saturday. A cloudy, not so hot day for this. Looking at crafts and listening to music is right up my alley.

Managed to stay for a couple of hours before heading home.

We have been behind in rainfall this year.  We might have gotten a 'little sprinkle' last week but not enough to wet a whistle.  However, yesterday the skies opened up and the rain came.  In less than 30 minutes, we had gotten over 2 inches of rain along. 

Along with the rain came severe thunderstorms.The thunderstorms would last for an hour.  In about an hour another thunderstorm would pop up. This lasted for 6 hours.  I didn't mind the rain because we really needed it, but the sever thunderstorms with heavy wind and lightning I could live without.

It is Monday, and with Monday I have much to try and accomplish.  I don't know why I scheduled a doctor's appointment on a Monday, but I did-ugh.

Have a great week and Happy Fourth of July!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What summer activity most takes you back to your own childhood?

Here lately, it would be catching fireflies.  Grandson has spent several nights with us, and this has been our nightly routine.

2. What's your favorite summer smell?
Rain on the pavement after a hot day.

3. It's beach season in the US of how do you feel about sand?

Years ago when we would take the girls to the beach, I absolutely hated sand.  Sand was everywhere-from in their mouths to their toes.  Now that both daughters are older, I really don't mind the sand.

4. Sun tea, SunChips, sunflower seeds, Capri Sun, Sunny Delight, Sun-Maid raisins, sun-dried tomatoes...your favorite food or beverage with sun in its name?

Sun Chips

5. What's your favorite way to cool off on a hot summer day?

Sitting in the shade sipping a cool drink from a red solo cup!!

6. Share a favorite song with the word sun or sunshine in it's title.
Cheryl Crow -"Soak up the Sun"

7. Tell us about a time you had an exceedingly good or truly awful customer service experience. If it was awful, did you report it? Ever go back there again?

I can't remember when I have had exceedingly good customer service-mainly just mediocre.  The last time I had a truly awful customer service is when I have dealt with health insurance-imagine that!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

It is raining here this morning-woohoo!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind......

Let me first begin by warning all to be careful--my computer was hacked and just returned to a few days ago--UGH!!

Finished up Bible School this past week. We had as many as 130 kids.  Our Children's Director did a wonderful job organizing this event.  All (children and adults) enjoyed this fun week, and all learned about God in a fun way.  I wasn't able to attend the full week and I missed this.

 Daughter came and enjoyed one night with Bible School.

Great fun-filled water activities
Last night was the closing program.  Parents and Grandparents came and were all smiles as they watched their son/grandson or daughter/granddaughter share the lesson he/she learned. At the end of the program all kids who were there won a prize.  I like the idea of ALL kids winning.  

Tuesday, was the first day of our Summer Library Program-theme 'Paws to Read.'  I took 'little man.'  He is still in the preschool program-starts kindergarten in the fall.  I could have chosen to put him in the K-2 program, but I like the preschool program time better I chose to just keep him in the preschool program-glad I wasn't the only one who chose this (ahem).

Hub and I left Thursday for a little get-a-way. We celebrated our 33rd anniversary on Friday. Just a few pics of places.

 I could have watched the light show for hours.  It was so relaxing and beautiful.

 Hub and I rode 'The Wheel' and I must admit, I was a little nervous but the view was amazing.
When it came time to head back home, I begged hub to stay one more day, but I knew we couldn't.  I was having to much fun to leave. As the saying goes, All good things must come to an end.

Grandson was excited to have us home. He spent the night with us on Saturday.  It was a beautiful evening and he caught fireflies in the yard.  He loves doing this and then watching them go.  He gives each firefly a name as one-by one (all 42) flew out of the jar.

Making such happy, summer memories.

Another full week is on my agenda.  So...I need to hop to it.  All have a great week and Enjoy Life.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind...

Tuesday was the last day for teachers in my school district.  Yeah!!  Now for some much deep needed house cleaning!  I planned (notice planned) on starting on Wednesday, but decided to just relax for a bit.  Thursday I just picked up here and there, and Friday was you know Friday and I didn't want to. Saturday rolled around and decided it was too pretty to do any house chores.  Here it is Monday and I am going to begin!!

Tuesday evening was a little get together pizza celebration for T-Ball.  The pizza party was going to be at our local park-nice picnic shelters and playgrounds.  Great place to have a pizza party and let the kids play.  A few minutes before the pizza celebration began, the sky turned to black and the wind began blowing.  I knew a storm was coming-soon!  The pizza party was moved to our coffee shop.  Not many players or parents got caught in storm-:) didn't want a bunch of wet players and parents.  The pizza was eaten, trophies were handed out, pictures were taken, and the electricity stayed on!!  The storms (notice storms-not just one but many) came and all was happy and safe inside.
A great group of T-Ball Players.

Hubs had a great Father's Day!  He wanted to cook-out and this was fine with the family.  However, yesterday I felt kinda bad for him.  I told him we should have taken him out to dinner, but he said he didn't want to go-he enjoyed grilling out.  This made daughter #2 happy because she had purchased him grilling utensils for Father's Day.

He did enjoy grilling out those delicious steaks!

Hub also enjoyed daughter #1's gift card.  She said she couldn't go wrong with this gift.
I think hub is trying to tell me something in this photo.

Grandsons came by with their gifts and cards.  I know this completed hub's Father's Day.
There is no other love like the love of a grandchild.

My mom's birthday is today.  She is 76 years old!  She came down yesterday.  She had found her present in my house!  The present I hadn't gotten around to wrapping.  What do you buy someone who will be 76 years old?  
I had purchased her practical gifts-she loves baskets!  Inside the baskets were homemade apple butter and her favorite homemade candy.
Mom was surprised!  She looks good for someone who is 76 years old!  

Bible School starts tonight.  The theme is Safari Jungle, and this past Friday was an animal show with snakes, turtles, and other animals.  I didn't attend the animal show, but all who did said it was great. I plan (there is that magical word again-plan) to attend a few nights :)

Have a Great Week and Enjoy Life!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekend Rewind...Take Two....

Weekend Rewind....Take Two--
Darn-- hit the publish button instead of the save button!!

Last weekend/week was a busy one and wasn't able to blog about my weekend or week.  

Last weekend, grandson, graduated from his pre-school Sunday School Class.  He will be entering kindergarten in the fall.

He also began going to Children's Church-leaving Wee Worship (sniff, sniff).  After church, we headed to buy him a new bicycle.

We rode around the block and just had to stop at the library.  He mentioned that I had not signed him up for the Summer Reading Program.

I said I would and just now realized as I was writing this blog, that I hadn't.  I will definitely add this to my to do list.

Friday, June 6th was the last day for students in my district.  This past week, I began carrying in boxes to pack up my room for the summer.

It is a chore packing up my room.  Every year I vow not to bring so much to school, but every year I do!
The ending of school is full of mixed emotions for me.  I am relieved of not grading any more papers, writing lesson plans, attending meetings (which I will have to attend workshops this summer), choosing clothes to wear (I find it easier to have my outfits picked out the night before), or follow a schedule-so YIPPEE!!  But the beginning of summer -I worry-I worry about the children I have taught-all they okay? do they have something to eat? do they have a place to sleep? are they being safe?  so I worry. Can't help it-I do, and I honestly don't think I will change.

This past week-we celebrating a colleague who has taught for 40+years.  He has been next door to me for many years.  Eighth grade teachers decided to give him a special dinner on Tuesday.  By special I mean-his favorite foods for lunch without him knowing it.  This almost didn't happen because he left to pick-up his daughter during his lunch time-But it all worked out in the end.

I do wish him a Happy Retirement.  Even though he uses me as an example when he teaches about the Doppler Effect (he hears me walking down the hall), I am gonna miss him.  That's another thing about school-I do miss my colleagues over the summer-I think of my colleagues as my extended family.

Headed to Roanoke over the weekend.  Daughter is on rotation and hub and I thought we should check on her apartment-make sure all was okay.  We took grandson with us and picked up daughter on our way.
Grandson loves daughter's apartment-especially the playground area.

We took him to Barnes & Nobles on Saturday.  He loves going to bookstores-hum...wonder why?
Later, I coaxed him into doing some shopping-not his 'cup of tea,'  Thankful for the train inside the mall.
Wonder why they didn't have this when my daughters were little?  I just had to drag them along while they both protested!!

It is a two day work week for me.  Teachers have two days to work after the students have left for the summer.  People ask what do you do when the students have left--no one can ever imagine unless you are a teacher.  Believe me there is plenty of work to do as I close another school year!

Wishing all a great week!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...