Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. What is a childhood habit or preference you will never outgrow? 

I have a few:  my bed is made first, no dishes left in the sink before going to bed or leaving for a trip (not even one cup), going to church (I still feel guilty if traveling and missing church), being organized, and sharing what I have with others.

2. Did you know July is beans month? What's your favorite bean? Your favorite recipe that calls for beans? When it comes to chili are you team beans or team no beans?  

My favorite bean is pinto beans.  I make Cowboy Beans, which is pinto beans , ground beef, Onion, and a tangy sauce.  No beans in my chili.

3. Some historical figures have a tag line after their name, something like 'the brave' or 'the wise' or 'the mad'...what would your tag line be? Explain why? 

Life is short; Enjoy Life

The older I get, time goes by way too fast!!  I have lived longer than I have left to live. But I am also blessed that I have lived this long.  Obstacles, hardships, death happens to us all.  But there is also happiness and joy, too.  One must enjoy life no matter the curve balls that is thrown at us daily.

4. The way to my heart is______________________________. 

Putting your WORDS into ACTION!

5.  The calendar rolls into August this week, but before we go give us four adjectives that describe your July. 

Hot, Dry (until this past weekend), Humid, Delightful

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Took the grandkids on a quick trip last Friday.  We went to Pigeon Forge and stayed in a cabin.  I didn't take many pictures because I was admiring the awe in their expression.

Thankfully and Blessed for a fun weekend. AND we had just left Dollywood before the flood came.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose? 

I will be out of town this weekend and miss the opening ceremony.   I will watch some of the Olympics.  If I could choose one event to watch in person, it would be gymnastics.

2. Have you ever been to Paris? Is this a city you'd like to visit? What's your favorite 'French thing'? 

I have never been to Paris but would like to visit this city and see the Louvre Museum.  My favorite 'French thing' is French Onion Soup (the first thought that popped into my mind_.

.3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate soufle, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? 

Favorite French pastry would be creme brulee.  The custard is so rich and smooth.

4. July 24th is National Cousins you have many cousins? Are you close to them? Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? 

I have many cousins.  Most of my cousins still live in Maryland and won't be seeing them.  I have one cousin in Virginia and will probably see her.

5.  Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? 

The last place I went to and felt like 'everyone and is cousin' was there was a funeral. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

A couple of college friends came Friday and spent the weekend with me.  We went to an Arts and Crafts Festival at Hungry Mother Park.  But mostly, we just chilled and enjoyed each other's company.

Heading out this weekend for a quick last vacation before returning to school next Tuesday.  The summer has surely flown by.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for? 

Losing loved ones.  

2. Without mentioning any tech, what's your most prized possession? 

My picture albums I have stored in totes.

3. It's National Peach Ice Cream Day (July 17th). Will you be celebrating? Do you like peaches? Given a choice would you prefer peach ice cream, peach pie, peach cobbler, or just hand me a peach? Do you own anything that is peach in color? 

I won't be celebrating , but I will never pass up peach cobbler.  I have a few peach color tops.

4. What makes a friendship successful? 

Being able to say what you feel and not being judged.  When getting together after a long time (years) you can just pick back up where you left off.

5. Let's give our brains a rest and do a little summertime this or that...beach or pool? ice cream or snowcone? amusement park or camping? burger or hot dog? watermelon or strawberries? get up early or sleep in late? sunrise or sunset? 

Beach, snow cone, amusement park, hot dog, watermelon, get up early, sunset.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My garden is pitiful and I mean PITIFUL!!!  We DESPERATELY needed rain!  I do water my garden daily, but it is not the same as a good rain and the hot temperatures....SHEW!!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Do you feel older or younger than your age? Elaborate. 

It depends....  After I have the grandkids, and they leave BELIEVE ME I feel MY AGE!!!  I enjoy having them but SHEW!! with it being only me, I am tired (a good tired).  Now, I know why you should have kids when you are young.

When I am out with my friends, I feel young.  Maybe it is because we just sit around and talk and enjoy one another's company.  

2. What's one thing you should toss right now, but just can't? 

Clothes that I think I can fit in (hum) again!!  

3. Have you visited many of the 63 National Parks in the US of A? You'll fia list here. Do you have a favorite? What National Park that you haven't seen do you most want to see? 

I have visited the Hawaii Volcanoes, Haleakala, Great Smokey Mountains, and Shenandoah I would love to travel to California and see the National Parks there especially the Redwood.

4. How often do you get take out? What's your favorite? 

I very seldom order take out.  When I do, it is usually Mexican or our famous Dip Dogs! Dip dogs are like corn a corn dog, but completely different batter, and I usually get extra mustard (which is a special sauce).

5. Do you have many (or any) subscriptions? Not necessarily magazines, but thinking more along the lines of boxes or products that companies offer, and you can sign up to receive on a regular basis. Could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, even daily. Tell us about them. 

I don't have any subscriptions.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I need to brag on the Children's Library Program in my town.  This year's theme was Adventures Begins at Your Library.  Today was the last program (next week the kids shop (money provided by library) for vegetables).  This year has been one of the best programs,  from looking through telescopes, going on a nature hike, to gardening and trying new foods.

On another note, it is HOT!!! and we DESPERATELY NEED RAIN!!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday. 

I will be by myself.  I will probably try to find a place that is having fireworks.  Before hub passed away, we always had a huge cookout.  Hub wasn't a fan of BBQ, so it was usually hamburgers (with all the fixings) and chicken grilled out, plus many side dishes.  My oldest daughter, who passed away, would always bake and decorate a cake.

Afterwards, we all headed to watch the fireworks.

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert? 

I don't know if  this is an 'All-American' dessert, but my favorite is carrot cake or cheese cake.

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?  

It depends on what is happening in our world if I am having to work on my patriotic feeling.  Here lately, I am having to work on my patriotic feeling. 

Something that makes me proud to be a citizen of America, is I still have a choice in some things...I can still say the Pledge of Allegiance, stand for the National Anthem, attend the church of my choice, etc .

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie? Favorite patriotic song?  

Movie--I have two  Saving Private Ryan and  Hacksaw Ridge.  Song "God Bless the USA' by Lee Greenwood.

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

It isn't a pleasure, but I have been out of school for 27 days and have kept my THREE grandsons 17 of those days!!  I really need to get some deep cleaning done...teachers go back July 30th!!

I enjoy seeing my veggies start to come in.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

The grandkids were at the beach last week and I had some friends come and spend a few days with me.  We went antique shopping, went to play Trivia at a local restaurant, played board games ( my favorite is Frackle) and cards.

Thoroughly enjoyed their company!

Tomorrow is my big 65th Birthday.  I was almost a firecracker!!  Hub use to say I was a firecracker.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...