Weekend Rewind....
We have been out of school for two straight weeks!!! Some bits and pieces....
It started snowing February 16th and the temps fell below zero and winter finally arrived. Earlier we have had a very mild winter. The temps were in the 50s and 60s and then WOW!! it hit. The snow was beautiful and I could have sit for hours and just watched-so peaceful and so quiet. I know many are thinking--out of school for how long? how much snow did you get? Well, about 14+ inches of snow but the temps were so cold our VDOT had great difficulty keeping the roads clear and clean. On Tuesday, hub called and daughter's finance had an accident on his way to work. Thankful he was okay, and hub was there to help. We aren't use to dealing with all this much snow at one time.
So what have I been doing??
I have kept grandsons a few days-played men, Star Wars, watched cartoons, cleaned, read books, and shoveled , played some more, cleaned, and shoveled, and just a never ending cycle!!
I went to school to get some paperwork to begin, but having grandsons around, the paperwork to a back seat.
Saturday was a gorgeous blue sky day.
Daughter, finance, and myself attending a cake tasting event. Wow-I knew I shouldn't had eaten breakfast!!
After much deliberations, the decision was made. Three flavors-well four flavors counting the groom's cake was decided on-vanilla strawberry, lemon blueberry, and dreamsicle, and peanut butter carmel. I was well pleased with the decision. Of course, I asked daughter why finance came?? he doesn't like cake!!! But oh well-at least he did try some samples.
Hub is not very interested in all this wedding stuff. However, daughter did play for him the song they will be dancing to. A tear did roll down his cheek. Trying to ease the situation-I invited hub to zumba with me-just to get in shape for the 'big dance'.
Hub wanted to grill out. What? the temp is not even forty. Yes, the sun was beginning to set and it was not snowing but talking him out grilling was not going to happen. He always says it is never too cold to grill...so with snow on the ground, he fired up the grill.
No use arguing with him over this.
The snow was still hanging on....
even in our fireplace outside..
Hub enjoyed grilling and I enjoyed the steak. We all did!
Now I am beginning to feel overwhelmed because I know tomorrow my feet will hit the ground running and not stop. I also have bus duty all week.

I went to school to get some paperwork to begin, but having grandsons around, the paperwork to a back seat.
Saturday was a gorgeous blue sky day.
Daughter, finance, and myself attending a cake tasting event. Wow-I knew I shouldn't had eaten breakfast!!
After much deliberations, the decision was made. Three flavors-well four flavors counting the groom's cake was decided on-vanilla strawberry, lemon blueberry, and dreamsicle, and peanut butter carmel. I was well pleased with the decision. Of course, I asked daughter why finance came?? he doesn't like cake!!! But oh well-at least he did try some samples.
Hub is not very interested in all this wedding stuff. However, daughter did play for him the song they will be dancing to. A tear did roll down his cheek. Trying to ease the situation-I invited hub to zumba with me-just to get in shape for the 'big dance'.
Hub wanted to grill out. What? the temp is not even forty. Yes, the sun was beginning to set and it was not snowing but talking him out grilling was not going to happen. He always says it is never too cold to grill...so with snow on the ground, he fired up the grill.
No use arguing with him over this.
The snow was still hanging on....
even in our fireplace outside..
Hub enjoyed grilling and I enjoyed the steak. We all did!
Now I am beginning to feel overwhelmed because I know tomorrow my feet will hit the ground running and not stop. I also have bus duty all week.
There is a retirement meeting tomorrow after school, and I plan on attending. Some days I am ready to retire and just walk, and then there are other days when I just can not imagine retiring. Hub, I think,wants me to retire, but I just don't know. I keep telling him I have the insurance and it is scary to think that I work for insurance but it is the truth. So we will see....
Getting back in the swing of things will be difficult but eventually it will be okay.
Have a great week and Enjoy Life!
Getting back in the swing of things will be difficult but eventually it will be okay.
Have a great week and Enjoy Life!