Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Looking Back

Looking Back.....
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2016 went by way too fast for me......slow down 2017

We did have our fair share of snow this past year.

Supported a local girl who was fighting cancer....happy to report all is fine..and this little girl is now in 3rd grade!

Celebrated Easter

Enjoyed some 'little league' baseball....well, hub was in his element.

Daughter graduated from DPT school!!  Woohoo

A week of fun with Bible School.

Handled some snakes!  YIKES!

Played some corn hole

Enjoyed some summer fun

Spent time with college friends....1992 last time we had all been together!

Added a new member to our family....daughter's baby

Delivered our Thanksgiving meals.

Had a wonderful Christmas!

Wishing all a Blessed Happy 2017!

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Making Memories

Sunday evening hub and I took Grandson to the Barter Theatre to see "All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" a great play.

  Last year was the first year we had taken grandson to the Barter and so I mentioned it to hub again this year.  This kinda gets me to relax and enjoy the Christmas Season. A tradition I want to start with the grandson(s).
Walking to the Barter

 Sunday was the last night of the production 'All I want for Christmas .....' so I was so glad I was able to get tickets.  The actors are fantastic; they come out before the production to mingle with the children.
An actor telling Nate he was only a little taller than him.
Getting ready for the play to begin.

After the play, the actors greet the children again which is so nice.  The actors take the time to talk to the children and make them feel so special.

A wonderful evening at the Barter.

Grandson's dad let him spend the night with us...first time in a long time.  We stayed up later than usual watching television and I made plans for us to do something Monday.

Monday, Grandson loves to eat at Chick-fil-A his favorite. Before eating we went to Bass Pro Shop..picture with Santa

Shooting some guns
Hub wanted to shoot, also
driving remote trucks

hub also having fun

We had so much fun and making memories that will last for a long time.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thank-you, Joyce for all the questions this year.  Merry Christmas to you and your family!

1. What's left to be done on your Christmas to-do list?
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purchase a few more gift cards

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Haven't begun---not one gift

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Hopefully will begin today!

2. The Hodgepodge lands on the first day of winter this year. What's your favorite thing about winter?

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There is still something magical about that first snowfall.

3. In what area of your life are you immature? Feel free to elaborate or not.

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When I want to go somewhere or do something and hub would rather not....I pout.

4. What was the most (or one of the most) important lessons you learned in 2016?

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That life is unfair and still throws us a curve ball.  I just have to have more faith that all works out for the is God's plan and not mine.

5. It's Fried Shrimp Day...are you a fan? What's your favorite way to eat shrimp? Will there be shrimp somewhere in your holiday feastings?
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Yes, a fan

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grilled shrimp is my favorite

If having shrimp this holiday will probably be
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6. What sound lulls you to sleep?

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Too bad I don't live close...maybe this is why I have a hard time going to sleep at night.  My brain has a hard time shutting down but listening to the ocean...awww  I fall asleep fast.

7. What one word best describes your 2016?

SHORT---It went by too fast!!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Hub and I took grandson to the Barter Theatre on Sunday.  A tradition I would like to start with him.

Wishing all a Merry Christmas.May your day be filled with love.
God Bless

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...