Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind...

It has been a long time since I have posted about my weekend.  I don't know if I have been too busy to post or not much happening as to why I have not posted.

This weekend seems like a whirl wind.

Daughter's Grand Opening was Friday.
Signs were being hung early Friday morning.

Mutual arrived with their hot dog wagon.  Who doesn't love a free hot dog and drinks when having a grand opening?

Nascar owner of Hefty car came.  He and hub are good friends.  As a matter of fact, hub coached him in baseball.

Chilhowie's own calendar dogs came.

FM 93.9 radio station-live remote

daughte was so excited checking it all out

Finally, the ribbon cutting

I am so proud of daughter.  It was a busy day and so thankful to all who came and supported a young pharmacist but one who will go the extra mile anytime you might need her.

Saturday, hub and I traveled to Roanoke to watch #2 daughter's boyfriend's basketball game.  Little man wanted to go.

I miss going to college basketball games-now that it is over, I am allowed to say this!

Little man was ready for the game to begin.

and of course, for it to be over so he can hug his favorite player.

Sunday we went to watch the Christmas parade in a nearby town.  Man it was soooo cold.  I hate to mention weather here, but we went from 60's on Friday to the 30's on Sunday. We voted to stay in the vehicle and stay warm while watching most of the parade.


the camels came.  Our church does a live Nativity and this was the first year the camels were able to be in the parade.  Little man was more into seeing the camels, then Santa Claus.

Se we ventured outside for the camels.

Hope all has a great Thanksgiving.  There is so much I am thankful for each and every day.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What lesson has failure taught you?
Gosh, I am at a loss on this one.  The only thing I can think of is I really need to learn to keep quit more often instead of speaking my mind. I keep learning on this one, believe me.

2. What decision are you glad you made?
Tough questions-so far Joyce I am being stumped on the first two!

3. I've been a little bit surprised to see fully lit and decorated Christmas trees popping up for the past several weeks in friend's Instagram feeds. So tell the truth-is your tree up and decorated, and if so when did that happen? If not, when will you be decking the halls?

My trees (yes trees) aren't up.  I put up our trees the day before Thanksgiving or the day after Thanksgiving.  Usually the first weekend in December the rest of the house is decorated for Christmas.  I think, my opinion only, I need to enjoy one holiday at a time.

4. Solitaire-Poker-Rummy-Hearts-Go Fish-Old Maid...which game of cards would you most like to join?

Rummy is my favorite of the choices.  However, I love to play Rook.  For a few years, hub and I hosted a rook tournament on New Year's Eve.  We had so much fun but now families and friends have moved away and last year was the first year we didn't do this.  Hub and I were lost on New Year's Eve.

5. This question comes to you courtesy of a Facebook friend, who once upon a time had a blog...When you're feeling stressed do you snack a lot or are you more the 'can't eat' type?

Oh, honey I snack when stressed.  I eat constantly foods I don't even remember I had eaten!!

6.  Have you ever reviewed a product or service on line? Was your review favorable or less than favorable?

Yes, I have reviewed a product on line, and yes it was helpful.

7. What was the best conversation you had yesterday?

I attended a retirement meeting yesterday.  This was not only my best conversation, it put my brain in overload.  I couldn't wait to try to decipher the information to tell hub.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Very busy in my household lately.  We will be having our Grand Opening on Friday for Chilhowie Drug Company and Coffee Shop!! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

. My sister is celebrating a birthday today. Happy Birthday little sis! What's one way you're like your siblings?  If you don't have siblings how are you like your lifelong best friend or cousin?

My brother, who is younger, are not very much alike.  However, my aunt, who is only 2 years older than I are very much alike.  My aunt's birthday is Thursday.  Years ago,I would have never called her Aunt Ellen.  Now I love calling her Aunt Ellen!

2.  What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of yourself at age eighteen?

Getting ready for college, having butterflies in my stomach, and being a little scared of leaving home.

3. Sculptor-actor-painter-dancer...if you could excel in one of these arts, which would you choose and why?

Painter because I can't dance, I get stage fright, and I am not good working with my hands.

4. What's a scent that takes you back in time, and where does it take you?

It would have to be wood burning stoves.  Growing up, I remember walking down the street- not a care in the world- to my friend's house and smelling all the wood burning stoves and seeing smoke coming from the chimneys.  My neighbor now still has a wood burning stove and late last night while I was outside I could smell the wood burning.

5. November is for Peanut Butter Lovers (National Peanut Butter Lovers Month).  Are you a lover or a hater?  What's your favorite dish/recipe that calls for peanut butter? 

Love, love, love peanut butter.
Chocolate peanut butter brownies

6. What do people thank you personally for most often

Parents often thank me on Sunday mornings.  I teach Wee Worship (3 & 4 yr.old) from around 10:45-12:15 every Sunday.  It is nice to be appreciated!

7. What event this year are you most thankful for?

I can't name just one.
For starters thankful that #1 daughter graduated from pharmacy school and passed both state board exams.
Thankful that #2 daughter was accepted into the doctorate physical therapy program.
Thankful that hub continues to get a good report when seeing the oncologist.
I am already thanking God for a good report #1 daughter will receive tomorrow (Wednesday) when seeing her cardiologist at UVA in Charlottesville.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Nervous about daughter's appointment tomorrow with her cardiologist at UVA.  Prayers please.
A beautiful picture this morning-red sky.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...