Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choose? 

I will be out of town this weekend and miss the opening ceremony.   I will watch some of the Olympics.  If I could choose one event to watch in person, it would be gymnastics.

2. Have you ever been to Paris? Is this a city you'd like to visit? What's your favorite 'French thing'? 

I have never been to Paris but would like to visit this city and see the Louvre Museum.  My favorite 'French thing' is French Onion Soup (the first thought that popped into my mind_.

.3. Macaron, creme brulee, chocolate soufle, mille feuille, or an eclair...your favorite French patisserie from the ones listed? 

Favorite French pastry would be creme brulee.  The custard is so rich and smooth.

4. July 24th is National Cousins you have many cousins? Are you close to them? Will you see any of your cousins on July 24th? 

I have many cousins.  Most of my cousins still live in Maryland and won't be seeing them.  I have one cousin in Virginia and will probably see her.

5.  Last time you went somewhere that felt like 'everyone and his cousin' was there? 

The last place I went to and felt like 'everyone and is cousin' was there was a funeral. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

A couple of college friends came Friday and spent the weekend with me.  We went to an Arts and Crafts Festival at Hungry Mother Park.  But mostly, we just chilled and enjoyed each other's company.

Heading out this weekend for a quick last vacation before returning to school next Tuesday.  The summer has surely flown by.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for? 

Losing loved ones.  

2. Without mentioning any tech, what's your most prized possession? 

My picture albums I have stored in totes.

3. It's National Peach Ice Cream Day (July 17th). Will you be celebrating? Do you like peaches? Given a choice would you prefer peach ice cream, peach pie, peach cobbler, or just hand me a peach? Do you own anything that is peach in color? 

I won't be celebrating , but I will never pass up peach cobbler.  I have a few peach color tops.

4. What makes a friendship successful? 

Being able to say what you feel and not being judged.  When getting together after a long time (years) you can just pick back up where you left off.

5. Let's give our brains a rest and do a little summertime this or that...beach or pool? ice cream or snowcone? amusement park or camping? burger or hot dog? watermelon or strawberries? get up early or sleep in late? sunrise or sunset? 

Beach, snow cone, amusement park, hot dog, watermelon, get up early, sunset.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My garden is pitiful and I mean PITIFUL!!!  We DESPERATELY needed rain!  I do water my garden daily, but it is not the same as a good rain and the hot temperatures....SHEW!!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Do you feel older or younger than your age? Elaborate. 

It depends....  After I have the grandkids, and they leave BELIEVE ME I feel MY AGE!!!  I enjoy having them but SHEW!! with it being only me, I am tired (a good tired).  Now, I know why you should have kids when you are young.

When I am out with my friends, I feel young.  Maybe it is because we just sit around and talk and enjoy one another's company.  

2. What's one thing you should toss right now, but just can't? 

Clothes that I think I can fit in (hum) again!!  

3. Have you visited many of the 63 National Parks in the US of A? You'll fia list here. Do you have a favorite? What National Park that you haven't seen do you most want to see? 

I have visited the Hawaii Volcanoes, Haleakala, Great Smokey Mountains, and Shenandoah I would love to travel to California and see the National Parks there especially the Redwood.

4. How often do you get take out? What's your favorite? 

I very seldom order take out.  When I do, it is usually Mexican or our famous Dip Dogs! Dip dogs are like corn a corn dog, but completely different batter, and I usually get extra mustard (which is a special sauce).

5. Do you have many (or any) subscriptions? Not necessarily magazines, but thinking more along the lines of boxes or products that companies offer, and you can sign up to receive on a regular basis. Could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, even daily. Tell us about them. 

I don't have any subscriptions.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I need to brag on the Children's Library Program in my town.  This year's theme was Adventures Begins at Your Library.  Today was the last program (next week the kids shop (money provided by library) for vegetables).  This year has been one of the best programs,  from looking through telescopes, going on a nature hike, to gardening and trying new foods.

On another note, it is HOT!!! and we DESPERATELY NEED RAIN!!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. It's a big week in the US of A as we celebrate Independence Day. Do you have any special plans? How will you mark the day? BBQ? pool-lake-beach time? fireworks? homemade ice cream? If you're not an American you can tell us what's happening in your corner of the world on Thursday. 

I will be by myself.  I will probably try to find a place that is having fireworks.  Before hub passed away, we always had a huge cookout.  Hub wasn't a fan of BBQ, so it was usually hamburgers (with all the fixings) and chicken grilled out, plus many side dishes.  My oldest daughter, who passed away, would always bake and decorate a cake.

Afterwards, we all headed to watch the fireworks.

2. What's your favorite 'All-American' dessert? 

I don't know if  this is an 'All-American' dessert, but my favorite is carrot cake or cheese cake.

3. Does that patriotic feeling come easily to you, or are you having to work for it more these days? What's something that makes you proud to be a citizen of your country?  

It depends on what is happening in our world if I am having to work on my patriotic feeling.  Here lately, I am having to work on my patriotic feeling. 

Something that makes me proud to be a citizen of America, is I still have a choice in some things...I can still say the Pledge of Allegiance, stand for the National Anthem, attend the church of my choice, etc .

4. Your favorite 'patriotic' movie? Favorite patriotic song?  

Movie--I have two  Saving Private Ryan and  Hacksaw Ridge.  Song "God Bless the USA' by Lee Greenwood.

5. One simple pleasure on your July 'bucket list'? 

It isn't a pleasure, but I have been out of school for 27 days and have kept my THREE grandsons 17 of those days!!  I really need to get some deep cleaning done...teachers go back July 30th!!

I enjoy seeing my veggies start to come in.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

The grandkids were at the beach last week and I had some friends come and spend a few days with me.  We went antique shopping, went to play Trivia at a local restaurant, played board games ( my favorite is Frackle) and cards.

Thoroughly enjoyed their company!

Tomorrow is my big 65th Birthday.  I was almost a firecracker!!  Hub use to say I was a firecracker.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. June 12 is National Simplicity Day. In what way is your life simple? What's one way that it's not? 

The only way my life is simple right now is I don't have a lot of laundry to do.

I do not like being by myself and having to see if people are trying to scam me...for example, I need a tree trimmed.  I called the company and they wanted half of the money up front and a guy was stopping by my house to get it.  I thought this was strange...I don't mind paying BUT I was not paying upfront when no equipment or anything like that was coming till the following day.  I cancelled and now have a guy coming Tuesday to look at the tree and give me a price. It is things like this that bother me.

2. Something you remember from a 'simpler time'? 

I remember not so fast pace world, people were kind, neighbors looked out for one another.  Today we have many gadgets that make life simpler BUT we have no time to do the things we love???

3. Do you like squash? If so what's your favorite variety? What's a favorite way to prepare squash? 

Yes, and I have planted some this year.  I like summer squash but also winter squash.  I usually just fry some squash up or make a casserole.  Mainly just roast winter squash; I think it tastes like a sweet potato.

4. Do you shop the warehouse stores (such as Costco, Sam's B.J's, etc)? If so how often do you go, and what's something you always buy in this type of store? 

I belong to Sam's Club, but haven't been there in a few years.  When I did go, I usually stocked up on paper products.

5. Father's Day is this coming Sunday. Any plans to make the day special? Tell us something about your own father, or something about your hubs as a father, or about someone who stepped into your life and acted as a father if yours was not a part of your life. 

No plans to make this day father will be dead 50 years this August (died when he was only 47) and hub is passed, also.

My father was easy going type of person but when he told you to do something, you did it. He believed in helping others no matter what. He loved his family and God.  I still miss him a lot.

Hubs was easy going.  It has been said many times that if it wasn't for me, my daughters would be in prison!!  Hub was very lenient UNTIL both started dating!

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

I took advantage of the cool day Monday and yesterday (finally no rain) and was able to get in my garden and work!!  The rain did a number on the weeds!!  I did enjoy the cool mornings (50s) and the cool days (70s) BUT that is going to change.  The temps this weekend is going to be in the high 80s to 90s. 

Bible School was last week and I had the grandsons from Thursday -Sunday.  Daughter had to go to some type of medical conference.  Sunday night, I think I died from exhaustion.  Having Bible School and keeping three boys by myself took a toll on me!!  But I enjoyed every minute of it...we stayed up late, ate snacks, played cards, played games, and took short walks.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. What impresses you?

I am impressed by personality traits:  kindness, honesty, empathy, etc.

2.  Where are you in your family birth order? Do you fit the stereotype of that particular slot? In what way?

I am the first born in my family.  I fit the stereotype in that I am conscientious, caretaker, responsible and bossy,

3. What motivates you more-a reward or a consequence? Elaborate. 

When I was younger, a consequence motivated me more.  There was no way I wanted a consequence from my parents.

Now, a reward motivates me more.  Wearing jeans to school because of great test scores, or having cupcakes/cookies because of hard work!  Also, I reward myself by enjoying a carefree weekend with a glass of wine after a project is complete!

4. May 14th is National Buttermilk Biscuit Day. Who thinks biscuits deserve their own day? Do you like biscuits? Make your own? Grab one for breakfast at a drive-through now and then? Which drive-through makes the one you like best? What do you like to put on a biscuit? What's your favorite food or dish that calls for buttermilk? 

I ate a buttermilk biscuit yesterday at school; they are the best!  Monday evening I was able to till my garden before the rain started AGAIN!!  It was close to 9pm when I finished.  After taking a shower, I was starving and to tired to fix anything.  I ate some watermelon and went to bed.  I woke up Tuesday morning dying of hunger so as soon as I got to school, I went straight to the cafeteria and got a sausage biscuit with grape jelly. 

My favorite drive-through biscuit is Hardees.  I make cornbread with buttermilk.

5. Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? What's your favorite part of a wedding/wedding reception? 

I think this is the first year there isn't a wedding on my summer calendar!!  My favorite part of the wedding reception is seeing the bride and groom dance to their favorite song.  Watching them dance and seeing how they gaze into each other's eyes is beautiful.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

I swear, if it doesn't quit raining!!!  Out of 7 days, it has rained 6!!!  

I have 6 1/2 days of school left and the calendar is jammed packed.  

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Did you watch the Kentucky Derby this past weekend? Have you ever been to a horse race? Ever ridden a horse? Did you enjoy it? Have you ever been to Kentucky? Do you like Bourbon? 

I watched the Kentucky Derby but have never been to a horse race.  When I was growing up, I had a horse named Honeycomb and I use to ride him. Youngest daughter played college basketball, and there were a few games in Kentucky.  It always fascinated me to see the finest horse stables!  I am not a Bourbon fan unless I have a cold and then I make me a hot toddy.

2.  What's something you wish you'd placed in a time capsule fifteen years ago? 

You are making my brain think!! lol

The type of technology I was a flip phone!  

3. Are you adventurous? Elaborate. 

Somewhat adventurous. I think being adventurous adds excitement to life. I use to take hub by the wing and say lets go.  But there are times when I need to plan out every detail.

4. Something you want to make this year? It can be a new recipe, craft, diy project, a milestone you've set for yourself...anything at all. 

A milestone I have set for myself is to be able to get in more walking.  I was at 5,000 steps a day and now I want to have 10,000 steps.

5. Cinco de Mayo was also celebrated this past you like Mexican food? If so what's your favorite dish? Have you ever been to Mexico?  Margarita-yes or no?

I am a fan of Mexican food.  I really don't have a favorite. I like spicy foods.  Never been to Mexico and I have no desire to go.  Margarita--Definitely YES!!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I don't know if it is related to allergies or what but this nasty crud has gotten hold of me and just won't let go.  I have been taking OTC meds without much relief.  The doctor said is was a virus and there is nothing for me to take.  Boy, I sure am ready for it to hurry up and move out of my body!!

Have a great rest of the week and ENJOY LIFE!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Mayday! Mayday!...when was the last time (or a recent time) you literally or figuratively needed to call for help? Elaborate. 

Two weeks ago, the weather was nice, and I was getting my back deck in shape.  I had cleaned the tables, chairs, and other stuff sitting around.  Finally, I decided to get my sun setter in shape.  I hit the button and nothing, so I tried again and still nothing!!  The remote needed a battery.  After figuring out how to remove the cover for a battery, I had no idea what kind of battery I was needing.  It was a round thing-a-ma-jig.  I was amazed at this kind of battery because I had never seen on like this before.  I called my neighbor for help.  Of course, he knew exactly what kind of battery this was and where I needed to go and buy one.   After I purchased the battery, he helped me put it in the remote.  My late hub took care of all of this is new to me.

After the battery was put in, I went to let out the sun setter...NOTHING.  I kept trying and still NOTHING!   My neighbor asked where the power was coming from AND that's where I noticed I had not plugged it in!!  DUH on my part!!  We both had a good laugh at my expense.

2. May Day...when was the last time you danced? Do you have a lot of baskets? What's something you keep in a basket? What's your favorite purple flower? 

Before hub passed away, he and I were talking dance lessons.  It was so fun.  The last time I danced was 6 years ago.

I have a lot of baskets that is partially full of junk..cords, sticky notes, sunglasses, etc.

Favorite purple flower is the hydrangea.

3. What's something you may do this month? 

I may just sit on my porch for a few days and relax.  The last day of school is May 24th

4. Do you like eggplant? Quick topic changes lol? If you said yes in answer to the eggplant question how do you like yours prepared? Of the following purple foods, which one is your favorite...plums, purple carrots, purple asparagus, eggplant, acai berries, blackberries, purple cauliflower, elderberries, purple potatoes, or passion fruit? 

I love eggplant.  Hub was the cook in the family so I don't know how it was really prepared...crunchy and soft.  

Blackberries would have to be my favorite.

5. The calendar turns on Hodgepodge Day...

"Then you have to remember to be thankful; but in May one simply can't help being thankful that they are alive, if for nothing else."-L.M. Montgomery

Tell us one thing you're thankful for today. 

I am thankful that I have a loving, forgiving God who forgives my sins daily.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We have started a small women's group (about 6 or 7 young ladies) which I truly enjoy going.  Having women who share each other's burdens.  Women are so similar and I am so glad others feel the way I do.  I just enjoy this group so much!!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A-Z Challenge...the letter Z



Zippity doo dah

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-aWonderful feelingWonderful Day

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-aMy oh my, what a wonderful day

This song makes me smile...but so does the end of this A-Z Challenge.

How many have this song stuck in their heads nos????

Monday, April 29, 2024

A-Z Challenge....letter Y




Maybe it is because I am starving, but yogurt with berries make me smile.  I can't eat lunch till 1:15 and I as beyond hungry.  Everyday I pack yogurt with berries for my lunch.  Since I don't have long to eat, I am the type of person that can gobble down a school lunch and our school lunch looks so yummy.  But when I eat fast, my stomach just doesn't feel right.  So I eat yogurt everyday for lunch.  

Yogurt tastes smooth and a little tart (I prefer the plain vanilla).  I add blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries to my yogurt.  On hot days, the coolness just satisfies me.  In the winter when I can't get fresh fruit, I add kiwi jello or strawberry cheesecake jello to my yogurt, this also satisfies my sweet tooth.

Yogurt makes me smile.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

A-Z Challenge...Letter X




The letter 'x' is hard to write about.  So, I kinda changed it.  I smile when I exercise!

Many years ago, I quit smoking which was difficult.  I had gotten the flu and was too sick to smoke. Hub said I hadn't smoked in over a week I should just quit.  So, I did.  BUT the temptation was still there. I joined a Zumba class.  The instructor was really fit and she made one push herself.  There was no way I could smoke and continue I decided to stick with Zumba.  I attend Zumba class for over 8 years.

Then the dreaded virus hit and you know the rest of the story.  I didn't start back smoking!!  YEAH for me.
But I missed exercising. 

Last year, another exercise came about that was close to me.  I started attending Dance2Fit.  I felt like my ole self again.

There is something about exercising that makes me smile!  It puts me in a great mood no matter how hard my day was.  

Friday, April 26, 2024

A-Z Challenge...letter W




When I was in middle school, we have moved back to Saltville.  My dad bought a farm.  We didn't live on the farm he purchased; it was about 30 minutes from our house.  We had cattle and raised tobacco. 

Watermelon makes me smile!  I remember in the hottest part of summer it was hay bailing time.  One had to wear long sleeves and pants or the hay would scratch you all to pieces.  A hard lesson I learned.  My grandfather would drive the tractor, and I was one of a few who would lift the hay bales up on the tractor to the people who were stacking them.  Then came the unloading part; putting the hay bales in the barn. Gosh, sweat would be dripping off of us.

After we finished bailing hay, my grandmother had us ice cold watermelon.  We would sit on the porch eating the slices of watermelon as the juice was dripping off our chins!  It was sooo good and refreshing. The watermelon would cool us off and where we were so sweaty, I would start chilling! 

Oh those hot summer hay bailing days with cold, juicy watermelon, was the best!

During the summer, I have to always purchase a couple (more than a couple, I imagine) of watermelon and eating the watermelon brings a smile to my face.

Pass the salt, please!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

A-Z Challenge...Letter V




'Smile you're on veggie camera'

I love vegetables more than meat.  I can do without meat, but not my veggies. In my garden, I have planted lettuce, onions, and potatoes.  I can hardly wait to get the rest of the veggies in the ground. Watching my veggies come up brings a smile to my face.

Eating veggies support my emotional well-being.  And I need all the help with my emotional well being that I can get. 

So do what Mama told you, "Eat your veggies" and smile!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A-Z Challenge....Letter U




When my daughters were younger, they loved unicorns.  Personally, I was fascinated by their colors.

The other day, I saw a few unicorns in a department store.  Memories flooded my mind, and I smiled.

I think unicorns appeal to a child’s curiosity and imagination.  For me, unicorns remind me of rainbows  with their vibrant colors.  Unicorns represent joy, goodness, happiness and peace.  But I think they also symbolize the hope for all the stardust covered dreams we long for in our lives.  

Unicorns bring a smile to my face.

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. When did you last have cancelled plans? Were you happy about that or disappointed? 

A few years ago, I had planned a surprise birthday party for ';my aunt.  My aunt got really sick, so I scrounging around trying to make sure all new and cancelling the orders. It all worked out in the end because the party was scheduled after she had gotten better.  

I don't think I was disappointed and I know I wasn't happy!  I think I was more of trying to figure out what I was going to do.

2. On a scale of 1-10 how much of a planner are you? 

1= I go where the wind takes me  
10=I've got a power point on it, no matter what it is

I am about an 8.  If it is a short trip then a 2, but if I am taking a long trip, I really need to be prepared, and I plan a week ahead of time.

3. Do you have a menu plan for the week? If so tell us one or two things that are on it. If not, what's your plan for not having a plan lol? 

Definitely Not!!  It is baseball season and with the weather constantly changing, I have no menu plans at all!

4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Bucket List Day. Do you have a bucket list? Is it written down or just in your head? What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a list, what is one thing you'd add to a list if you did? Yes I'm going to make you think about it. 

I have a bucket list in my head.  I have a couple of things on my list.  One...I want to travel to Italy and TWO...I want to go on a cruise.  My late hub was not a traveler at all.  The girls' trip gang have been talking about taking a cruise.  I really want to do these two things.  My problem...I don't have anyone to go with and I don't want to travel by myself.

5. Rain buckets, a drop in the bucket, couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, sweat buckets, cry buckets...which 'bucket' idiom applies to your life in some way currently? 

Sweat buckets!!  I have known since August that the Special Education Department was going to be audited this year. All records were looked out THOROUGHLY!!!  A couple of weeks ago, I was told the State Department would be at my school on Tuesday, April 23rd from 8:15 -11:00.  I have been sweating buckets.  On Tuesday, the other SPED Teacher hit a deer and was late more sweating buckets!!  As I was going to the restroom, I ran into one of the administrators and she said the lady from the state department was headed toward my classroom.  I didn't use the bathroom for the urge left me. I ran to my classroom to make sure all was in order.  I will say the lady was very nice and very professional.  What bothers she kept writing and writing and not once did I hear any feedback.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

My grandsons are playing T-ball.  They are loving it!  It is so funny watching all the little ones play, all going after the same ball, running in the wrong direction, and even going in the wrong dugout.

This is the last year that all three boys will be on the same team (which I have enjoyed).

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A-Z Challenge...Letter T





When I first started planting a garden, I had no idea what I was doing.  But I love it!

I bought my tomato plants home and carried them to the designated location I had planned on setting them out.  I dug holes, planted the tomato plants, and immediately watered the plants.

Everyday, I would check the tomato plants.  I watched as the flower portion of the plant began to bloom signaling the birth of my tomatoes.  It was terrific for me, and yeah, it looked like an everyday thing; it’s not.  My garden is my store; so not everyone has the opportunity to go to the store and watch their tomatoes grow. Not only is this a blessing, but it made me smile!

My summer has many storms..even hail storms.  My tomatoes make it through.  This made me reflect on my own life.  No one can stop you from growing or moving forward in life.  My tomato plants were a perfect example of growth in the storms.

Even through the hardest of storms, I can grow.  I might get rained on, but I can still grow.!

Tomatoes …MY Tomatoes Make Me Smile!

Monday, April 22, 2024

A-Z Challenge Letter S




I have two for this one.


Let’s be clear, I DO NOT get up every morning to see the sunrise. A sunrise to me is the beginning of a new growth.  Seeing the sunrise gives me a new beginning and a new opportunity.  I am excited about the new day and thanking God for this new day and the possibilities it may hold and a chance for me to do better.  Even after the darkest nights, the sunrise tells me that light will always return and I SMILE.  


Watching the sunset is a stress reliever for me. Watching the sunset helps me to slow down (I really try !!) and enjoy the moment.  Staring at the sunset helps me to tell my brain to quit fretting over the past. The sun is setting, the day is ending, and a sense of finalization is taken over.  I smile when the sun is setting.

Saturday, April 20, 2024




I love rainbows, they are one of the first things I remember learning to draw as a child.

A rainbow makes me happy and gives me hope and comfort.  It is a symbol for a bright spot in difficult times and the promise of a new beginning.

When I see a rainbow, I immediately smile.  Maybe it is because of the cheerful colors in a rainbow’s curving arc. The colors are light, fresh, and happy. Since the colors  are so rare in a rainbow’s curving arc, I have a sense of delight in addition to bringing the promise of sunshine with the blue sky on the horizon.  Just seeing a rainbow boosts my mood. Or maybe it is because I am still hoping for that ‘pot of gold!”  

Friday, April 19, 2024

A-Z Challenge...Letter Q






It used to unsettle me when I had nothing to do and it was quiet.  

But now I enjoy the quietness.  I still have days when in my mind I thought I must be a little bit ‘wrong’ for enjoying the quietness. I thought the outside world was scolding me or shaming me if I was just quiet.

It took awhile for me to get that feeling of ‘wrong’ out of my head.  I began to slowly permit myself to just be me and be still and quiet. 

What I learned from being quiet was:

I had more aha moments.  My mind had time to discover ideas and stumble upon aha moments.

Being quiet is a skill.  I found calm in silence and became more comfortable in my own company.

Reduced my stress.  I began to reflect on why I was stressed and then began to distress. 

There are many noises in our world to grab our attention and convince us not to be just quiet. Each intrusion creates noise or a distraction infused into my mind that I should be doing something else. 

Sitting in complete quietness gives me time to reflect.  I feel more at peace and I smile. Quietness isn’t something to be ashamed about, but quietness gives me something to smile about. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

A-Z Challenge...Letter P



Playing with Grandsons

How can one not smile when around their grandchildren?  

My grandsons just make me feel better when I am around them.

Playing with your grandsons is a workout!!  

I love hearing their giggles and those arms around my neck telling me they love me!!  This makes my heart smile!!  

Over the past years, I have played so many make believe games…men wrestling, pretend jumping in water and swimming, dinosaurs coming, map games (where they draw a map and you have to do what each symbol is…they have to explain the symbol to me!), etc.  We play water guns, balloon toss, baseball, football, soccer, and basketball.  Not to mention the millions of books read and acting some books out!!

Playing with my grandsons reawakens the joy of when I played with my daughters…different play but same joy.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

A-Z Challenge...Letter O




The Ocean is My Happy Place

When I am at the ocean, my senses are engaged in new sights, smells, tastes, and sounds.  The ocean improves my overall well-being. 

Besides being away from the daily grind, there is a genuine feeling of peacefulness when I am at the ocean.  The water gives me a sense of calm and clarity.  I love sitting in the ocean and listening to the waves. Letting  the waves wash over my feet. I smile!

How can one not smile at the ocean?

Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. The Olympics kick off this coming weekend. Will you be watching? If you could watch just one event in person, which one would you choos...