Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in some way? If so tell us how. Are you a fan of corned beef? Cabbage? The color green? 

Didn't celebrate St.Patrick's Day because I was driving to Tennessee.  I am a fan of corned beef and cabbage with a side of cornbread!  I didn't wear the color green but some shades of green I enjoy wearing.

2. March 22nd is National Goof Off Day...will you celebrate? Your favorite way to goof off? Last time you had a whole day to spend 'goofing off'? 

Won't celebrate National Goof Off Day!!  Last week, I spent the entire day 'goofing off'!  I was tired from my trip, went to work on Monday and Monday evening I was dragging.  I got the text early Tuesday morning that my county was on a 2hr delay due to some snow in parts of the county.  I went back to sleep, which I never do for fear of over sleeping. About an hour later, I received another text that the superintendent had decided to close school for my county.  I slept until 9 o'clock...highly unusual for me.  I got up, drank my coffee, and got dressed.  I sat in my recliner, watched movies, and popped popcorn all day!! And slept some more. Felt so much better on Tuesday evening.  People who know me, know that I am full of energy and rarely do I do this, but you know what?  It is okay to take a day and just 'goof off'.  

My favorite way to 'goof off' is just sitting on my patio and reading a good book.

3. Something on your to-do list that has been there more than a month? Will this be the month you finally cross it off? 

I have been meeting to go to my local store and purchase some foam spray.  This has been on my to-do- list since January.  The store is only FIVE Minutes away, but I constantly forget.  I hope this is the month I can cross this off!

4. In your opinion, what emotion is the most beneficial? Which one is the least useful? 

The most beneficial emotion is unconditional love.  This is just a love you have for someone without expecting anything in return.

The least useful (I have two) would be anger and worry.  But I do get angry sometimes and I am a worry wart.

5. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? Elaborate. 

Because the weather is turning warmer (Mother Nature was off her meds these last few days), I am going to say my favorite thing I did as a kid was playing in the street in the summer.

My neighborhood kids were all close. not only in age, but we looked out for each other.  In the summer, we would all gather in the middle of the street-the same spot was used-and play the game, 'kick the can'. The neighborhood kids and I would wait till dusk, around 8:30 and gather in the street.  There wasn't many cars coming up /down the street, but when a car approached, we would yell, "CAR, CAR, RUN FAR!"  After the car passed, we began playing again.  We would play this game for hours.  When the game was over, we always went to a friend's house, sat on the porch, and the friend's parents would let us get a drink from the water hose.

Such fun, simple times!

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

My eighth grade students took the first part of the Standards of Learning Test for writing yesterday,  They were nervous (some went home sick) and I know it was just nerves.  My students were prepared, but these test does not tell the truth about how much they know!!!

Have a Great Rest of the Week and Enjoy Life!!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Playing Catch-up...Round Two


I just returned from a glorious Women's Retreat in Tennessee.

Last year, I was invited to attend this retreat.  I had no idea what to expect, but enjoyed myself tremendously.  When time came for women to register, I didn't have to be asked, I was going.

First of all, the beauty of the mountains is breathtaking.  The retreat lasted from Friday morning till Sunday morning.  It is a time of worshipping God with women from all over.  There were women from Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, Illinois, and Missouri. Not only are we from different places, but also from different denominations BUT united in ONE. This place, Eagle Rock, does not have very good internet service (luck of the draw if your cell phone worked), there was one house phone in case of emergency and no television on the premise. No talk of politics, worldly events, Covid, were welcome!

There were 43 women in attendance. Each woman was asked to bring a $10.00 gift and a snack (which was distributed between Friday/Saturday nights). This was a time to just be still and worship God. There were different speakers during the weekend. Many songs were sung. Many tears were shed (at least on my part).  Different classes one could attend...painting, singing, worshipping with flags, hiking, classes on anxiety, grief, addiction, nutrition. There was something for all. But if there wasn't anything that interested you, then you were invited to just sit and relax with God. 

The food that was prepared for us was divine.  From breakfast to dinner, my plate was cleaned.  The best scrumptious food!!  I still can't tell why (because I was so full) but since our worship sessions lasted into the evenings,  I had room to munch on a few (a lot) of tasty snacks.  You know, the healthy ones like, brownies, cookies, homemade pies, chips (of any kind) peanuts, popcorn, and the list could go on and on and on. 

I enjoyed all the women speakers and the singing, but my favorite part was the bonfire.  Each woman wrote down their stronghold they needed to get rid of.  I had more than one stronghold!!  We took our stronghold we had written down and threw it in the bonfire. ( I made sure my burned!  I didn't want mine to  drift in the wind and someone find it! :)  

A majestic weekend for sure. I disappeared into a quiet weekend.  No loud noise of the world was invited.  The world snatches all quietness and peace from us.  

Singing, celebrating, giggling, and remembering the memories, I will cherish in my heart forever!

We all roared with laughter with women 'stuff', discovered new friendship, promised to keep in touch with one another. AND I found out, life does go on without cell phones and television!

It is okay to rest awhile.

Playing Catch-Up Round One...


I have been enjoying these past couple of weeks.  And I need to tell ya'll about it.

It all began in December (ahem).  The grandsons get so many gifts at Christmas (that is the truth, right?). I didn't want my gifts to be in a yard sale or thrown away, so I told daughter that we would go to Disneyworld and since daughter's birthday is the day after Christmas that would be her Christmas gift, also.  Her hub would also be free and that was his Christmas gift.  All thought it was a great idea!!  I told daughter to start planning the trip...we could fly, choose a place to stay, choose what parks to attend, etc. and that was my treat.  There was ONE catch... we had to go before the second week of March.  My Standard of Learning Tests begin this week, and I want to be able to review and prepare my students for this important testing. (Not to mention, that is all we do, and I still can't understand how a test measures one's true ability...think of all that maybe going on in a student's life the day of the test!!). This was the difficult task getting all our schedules to work.  Son-in-law is a CPA for a company, and he was going through some important meetings...leaving at 6am and not returning home till after 9pm on most nights.  Daughter commenced to work on a schedule!!  After that she started the search for resorts,parks to attend for a 5 year old and two twins who were fastly approaching three.  Daughter called on a Sunday evening and the trip was planned for the following Thursday-Wednesday.  WHOA!!! Initially, I thought there is no way I can get ready in 5 days!!  I would have lesson plans to make out for the substitute (that is...if one was available), house to get in order (when living by yourself you have to plan for these things), someone to check my  mailbox, etc.  My brain was in overdrive.  BUT, I decided go with it!!  I could get this done. THEN, daughter informed me, she and her husband were DRIVING!!  They didn't want to fly with the boys because it was too much of a hassle with car seats, etc.  I knew their van wasn't big to carry three adults, three young boys, and all of our luggage. So where did that leave me???  I was still flying!!  I was very apprehensive about them driving, but they wouldn't change their minds.  Amazingly, the trip worked out.  I flew and the resort had a shuttle to take me from the airport to the resort!!!  The resort was French Quarters and I highly recommend it!!  Our rooms were next to each other and a few nights I had overnight guests, which made the trip more enjoyable.

Daughter had planned on attending EPCOT, Magic Kingdom, Disney Springs, Seaworld, Animal Kingdom, and a Monster Truck Show!  Dinner was planned at different places where many characters joined us.  The boys were ecstatic!!  Just seeing their eyes glisten with joy made my heart smile.  As I usual do, I forgot to take many pictures.  BUT, I assure each one of you all, I have the pictures embedded in my head. 

We returned home a 'little' ( I was more than a little) tired but full of happiness. 

There will never be a day that goes by in which I will NEVER forget the joy in my grandsons' eyes.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Hello March! Is it coming in like a lion where you live? How do you feel when it rains? 

March is not coming in like a lion.  Rainy weather makes me feel gloomy and not wanting to do anything.

2. What's something you'd like to do differently this week than the last? Explain. 

My weeks are running together!!  I can't think of anything I would do differently this week that I didn't do last week.

3. March 1st is National Sunkist Citrus you drink orange juice? Orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, grapefruit...what's your favorite citrus fruit? A dish you love with a citrus fruit as one of it's key ingredients? 

I am not an orange juice drinker.  My favorite citrus fruit would be a tangerine. 
I don't have any recipes or dishes I make with citrus fruit.  Can't wait to see other answers on this one.

4. What do you consider to be your culture. Elaborate. 

I value relationships.  I believe relationships are the cornerstone of happiness.  I believe in myself, but sometimes I do find myself swimming in muddy water and really try not to have negative talk to myself.
My Personal expression I say over and over is enough is enough.  I do have rituals I do every morning and evening.  In the morning, I always read my devotions, say a prayer, and listen to Christian Contemporary Music.  In the evenings, I listen to a short devotion, write in my gratitude journal and say a prayer.

5. Sum up your February in fifteen words or less. o

Mr. Sunshine where were you? Days were dreary and rainy. I blinked; the calendar turned.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Getting ready to take grandsons on an little trip.  I am excited to go.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...