Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. February 16th is National Almond day...are you a fan? If so what's your favorite food item or recipe that contains almonds? 

A huge fan of almonds; they are my g0 to snack.  I don't have a recipe that contains almonds but anxious to see others.

2. Something you are currently 'nuts' about? 

I am definitely 'nuts' about these three precious boys.

3. Something currently driving you 'nuts'? 

People, my age or a year or two younger, drying out their dirty laundry on Facebook.  I just cringe.  If you have a problem, then tell that person but don't put it out on Facebook.  It is just ugly and I lose all respect for the person that posted that comment.I have begun to not look at Facebook much simply because of this reason.  

4. Something you recently bought for 'peanuts'? 

Oh my goodness....with the prices these days....NOTHING!

5. Share a favorite quote uttered by any U.S. President ( if you're not an American, a quote made by the leader of your own country). 

"Leave nothing for Tomorrow which can be done today."  Abe Lincoln     I need to practice this more especially when it comes to laundry and yard work.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Basketball season is over for my grandson, who is in the 7th grade.  The team won it all and were the Champions!

I enjoyed watching him play and was so glad to snap this picture of us together without anyone noticing.

I miss this boy so much!!!

But now...I have been attending high school basketball games to watch my cousin who is a senior this year. 

This has really help past the loooong winter nights.

Have a great rest of the week.  AND Enjoy Life

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...