Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

The older I get, the faster the months go by.

 1. The Hodgepodge lands on the last day of ten words or lest bid the month adieu. 

Goodbye windy March; Hello to April's allergies.

2. March 31st is National Tater Day...your favorite way to have a potato? Given a choice would you opt for sweet, white, or red? How often are potatoes on your menu in one form or another? Ever been to Idaho? If not, is that a state you'd like to visit someday?

Baked potato with no butter but A1 Sauce and a little Himalayan Pink Salt.  I like red potatoes with olive oil and seasoning.  Potatoes are very little on my menu; I don't know why . Never been to Idaho.  I have read an article about McDonald's potatoes being from Idaho and that the farm where grown uses a pesticide that doesn't allow anyone in the farm for 5 days after spraying the pesticide on the potatoes.  (geez)

3. Last time someone or something 'rained on your parade'? Explain. 

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a happy mood and phone call ruined it.  I am waiting on the phone call again...I have a response....I will not allow Satan to still my joy, Thank you for calling and hang up.  Probably won't ever get the phone call again. But I am ready with my response.

4. Put all your eggs in one basket, get cracking, nest egg, bad egg, good egg, egg on, have egg on your face, or walk on eggshells...choose a phrase from the list that applies to something in your life currently and tell us how or why.

Walk on eggshells....I volunteer my opinion without being asked so when I am around this person, I constantly walk on eggshells not wanting to say anything.

5. If I visited your home would I find a lot of baskets there? Something you like to keep in a basket? 

Plenty of Longaberger Baskets.  In the kitchen find them full of notepads, pads, and utensils.  In the den full of books and books, staplers, pens, paperclips, and in the Sunroom full of books!

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Our weather is going to be a rollercoaster ride!  Yesterday, it was sunny 71 degrees, today cool 50s and rainy, Thursday and Friday high in the 30s with snow!   

Wishing all a Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge...Stepping Into Spring

 1. "Hope springs eternal"...discuss. 

This past 2020, I think we all had hope, at least I did.   Hope springs eternal helps me to face challenges and boy have we all had to face challenges in more ways than we could ever imagine.  BUT we are surviving and we are seeing the light!

2. Last time you needed to 'spring into action' or 'spring to someone's defense'...explain. 

Sunday, I received a phone call and had to quickly spring into action and stand firm.

3. Tulips or daffodils? baby birds or baby bunnies? The cherry tree or the dogwood tree? Jelly beans or peeps? March madness or spring training? Peas or carrots? 

Tulips, baby birds, dogwood tree, jelly beans, March madness, and carrots.  The house where hub and I lived had the most beautiful dogwood trees and tulips were planted around the base of the tree.  I miss that scene. I went looking for a bag of jelly beans and I can't find them.

4. I read an article here on the South's best cities on the rise. They are-Baton Rouge Louisiana, Fayetteville Arkansas, Greenville South Carolina, Huntsville Alabama, Lexington Kentucky, Norfolk Virginia, Tulsa Oklahoma, Waco Texas, Wilmington North Carolina, and Winston-Salem North Carolina. Of the cities listed how many have you seen in person? Which one on the list would you most like to see? Have you spent much time in the southern states (USA)? Any spring road trips on your calendar? 

I have seen 6 of these cities...some were when the girls were in school and related to school trips.  Most of my trips have been to the southern states; wishing for trips to the New England states.  No trips on my calendar at the moment.

5. Tell us how your outdoor space needs sprucing up this spring? Which do you enjoy more (or hate the least-ha!) yard work or house work?

I have a huge tree in the back yard.  It provides great shade.  The winds have been fierce and so many little twigs are scattered all across the yard.  Couple of weeks ago, I began picking them up and the yard was looking pretty good. That didn't last long with the wind; the yard is covered again with these limp skinny twigs. 

Last fall, I tore up my mower because I ran over a tree root (I knew it was there and had been so careful mowing).  I tore up my lawn. I should have left the mower where it died but no I had to move it and the blade did a number on my lawn.  When the weather stays warm, lawn repair to the rescue.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

I saw an ad that if you show your card when you are fully vaccinate Krispy Kreme is giving away doughnuts!  

Giving the writing Standards of Learning Test to the students who are not attending in person ....Shew!  Wednesdays are scheduled for deep cleaning, meetings, etc. but with the state mandating state tests this was the only day available for virtual learners to come in the building.

I did enjoy my Bible Study last Wednesday evening and looking forward to tonight.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Happy St Patrick's Day

May the luck of the Irish be with us all.

 1. This week's Hodgepodge lands on St. Patrick's Day. Will you wear green? Eat corned beef and cabbage? Drink green beer? Have you ever been to Ireland? Is it on your travel 'bucket list'? 

Probably will put some shade of green on today.  I think I will have me some corned beef and cabbage this evening.
Green beer...that is a 'No', I have school tomorrow and don't know if I can stop with just one.
I have never been to Ireland...yes, would love to go but not currently on my bucket list.

2. Something you think is 'worth its weight in gold'? 

I can't think of a about a someone?  My aunt is definitely worth gold to me.  She is only one year older than me, but with all I have been through she is the ONLY one I can count on....just to hear me rant, cry, or whatever.   

3. Something that makes you 'green around the gills'? 

When someone lies, but I know the truth.  This just makes me so sick to my stomach I could vomit!!

4. What puts a 'spring in your step' these days? 

The sunshine!!

5. Write a limerick using one of the following as your theme....March, St. Patrick's Day, Covid, 2020 and/or 2021, the color green, or life lately. Yes, you can do it. 


There once was travel everyday

No one thought twice of traveling

Suddenly it stopped 

Now I'm stuck  at home

Praying it will just go away soon!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Hitting 70s today!!  Yay!!  and very little chance of rain. 

Starting a new Bible Study tonight for Women only.  Should be interesting and looking forward to it.  The title of the study...Knowing Him. 

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Hello March....Wednesday Hodgepodge

Hello March!!  So far, I am enjoying this month with the extra daylight hours and the warmer temps.

 1. Is March coming in like a lion where you live? Aslan, Simba, Elsa, The Cowardly Lion...your favorite 'famous' lion? 

March coming in pretty nice. Monday mild temps with some drizzle, yesterday sunny skies in the high 40s and today it is supposed to be sunny and in the 50s.  Can't complain here.                                                                                                     My favorite would be the Cowardly Lion...I just love his big heart.

2. In what way do you 'march to the beat of your own drum'? 

I have stopped watching a lot of the news...I know people say I need to be informed but just can't handle much of it anymore.  My gracious...think of changing Mr. Potato Head's name and Dr. Seuss books wanting to ban these....for Heaven's Sake give me a break!  Also, have quit looking at FB.  There is too much bragging going on...look at me attitude.  I do look at some of the pictures of friends and listen to my Bible Study but I have cut a lot of screen time out.  

3. What item that you don't have already, would you most like to own? Any chance of that happening soon? 

Drawing a total blank on this....maybe I am just too content with what I have.

4. March is National Flour Month...are you a baker? Cookies-cakes-or pies...your favorite sweet treat to bake? What's the last non-sweet thing you made that called for flour? 

I am not a baker, but I do like to bake cookies when I get the urge for that something sweet that isn't store bought. The last thing I made that called for flour was cornbread.

5. There are 31 days in the month of March...where were you and what were you doing when you were 31? If you haven't hit that milestone yet, then tell us where you were and what you were doing 31 months ago? (if math is not your thing, that would be August 3, 2018)

When I was 31, I was juggling a career with a 2yr old and a 6 month old.  I was teaching at an intermediate school and living in the same town I was living in then.  Wish I could go back to those days!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I am meeting a friend today for lunch.  She and I use to teach together and then life happened.  So excited for this get together. She has 3 children...a son who runs track at UT, another son in high school, and her daughter is in middle school...time flies by. 

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...