Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday's Hodgepodge
 1. What reveals more about a woman-her refrigerator or her purse?

To me, a purse reveals style.  When a purse matches a woman's outfit, I automatically think--Now that is style-and this lady is "put together."  I love purses and shoes---too many to count.  If one was to look inside my purse, it is hard to tell what one will find.....
A refrigerator tells more about a person.  Some examples would be- the type of food she likes, the type of drink she likes, is the person organized, or is the person completely OCD when it comes to organizing a refrigerator, is the person a vegetarian, etc....So by looking in a refrigerator I could tell more about a person.

2. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Where? What's your favorite zoo animal?
In 2009, my hub and I went to the zoo in Washington, D.C.  Daughter #2 was playing basketball in D.C. so we went to the zoo.  I enjoyed watching the gorilla care for her young.  But my favorite animal, would have to be the panda.  I just think they are adorable.

3. What social issue fires you up?
There are many issues right now--homeless, FEMA (refused to help area close by), latch key children, but I am going to say....Health Care/Insurance.  Health insurance is constantly increasing and benefits are decreasing.  If it wasn't for health insurance, I don't know what I would have done.  In 1988, daughter #1 had open heart surgery in Charlottesville, Virginia and then in 1989 she had to have another open heart surgery in Boston, Massachusetts. Nothing I ever wanted to use insurance for, but was glad for it.  T hen in 2010, my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer and his treatments have been expensive.  So health insurance has helped.  I know many people complain about the cost and brag about never having to use it, and what a waste of money it is.  I would love to brag about never having to use health insurance!!!!!  So when people complain about the cost of health insurance this does fire me up.  I know we are paying more now than ever comes in handy when you least expect it.

4. Are you a coupon clipper? If so, are you extreme?
After having friends tell me so many wonderful stories, I had to find out for myself about coupons.  One Friday night, and friend and I went to a coupon workshop (yep, workshop on coupons).  I sat there amazed!!!!  So, let's just say I am a beginner coupon clipper who carries her notebook to the stores!!!!

5. What is one of your favorite souvenirs brought back from your travels?

Since I don't get to travel much, the only souvenir I can think of is sand!!!  LOL!

6. Lemon meringue or key lime?
I would have to go with Key Lime Pie!!!

Kenny Chesney's lyrics:
Not too tart, not too sweet
My baby loves to watch me eat
Her key lime pie
Her key lime pie

7. What is the most beautiful word you know in any language?
Words are so powerful.  The most beautiful word I can think of is GRACE.   Grace is a gift from God and it always expresses love.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
We had a little get together for my brother's daughter, who graduated from Radford last week.  The weather was a little chilly, but a nice Sunday afternoon.
We started our state testing today. My first test was World Geography and Friday will be Physical Science.
My husband goes back to his oncologist next Tuesday for his check-up.  Asking prayers for a great check-up.  I get nervous and anxious when the time for his check-up approaches.  Have a good day!!!

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...