Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's fall. Y'all. My favorite season of the year! What's something you love to do this time of year that makes you feel it's officially fall? And unrelated to that, do you ever say-'y'all'?

It certainly feels like fall with our cooler temps these past few nights.  I love decorating our yard for fall-which I did this past weekend.  Most definitely say y'all-I am from the south, y'all.

2. When did you last have a falling out with someone? Has it been resolved?

I can't remember the last time I had a falling out with someone-must be resolved by now.

3. A song you love with the word 'fall' in it's title?
"When I fall in love" the first song that popped into my head.

4. What's something you've recently let 'fall by the wayside?'

Some of my paper work-ugh!

5. When did you last attend an event, read a book, watch a movie, try a new recipe, or visit a shop-town-tourist attraction that fell short of your expectations? In what way?
I remember a while back, hub and I attended a get-together and it wasn't what I expected.  I think I expected more of a social event and it wasn't.

6. Describe a time you said or thought, 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Last week-I explained this to my 8th graders.  We are reading the book Wonder  and I was surprised most of the students did not know what this meant.

7. Was today better than yesterday? Why or why not?

Much, much better.  I have been in a daze-(wrote about this on Sunday) for the last few days-and today was a much better day.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
I too, love fall-seeing God's beautiful work is so amazing.


  1. When I Fall in Love is a good one! I love that song too. I've begun putting out a few mums. For some reason this year my summer flowers in pots are hanging on so I'm reluctant to rip them out just yet. Have a good day!

  2. Paper work--ugh! I'd probably let that fall by the wayside, too.
    Glad you're feeling better. So sorry about your friend's husband :(

  3. Fall is my favorite the scents and the changing colors. Plus, it's when I got married...almost 25 years ago!

  4. It's so easy to allow paperwork to fall by the wayside!

  5. I like fall, but summer is my favorite.

    Paper work is the worst!

  6. We have had an absolutely beautiful week up here in The Mitten, I am loving the cooler temps!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

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