Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. How has your hometown changed since you were a kid? What has changed most about the neighborhood you grew up in?
My hometown has changed drastically.  I lived in Baltimore, Maryland for a while then moved to Saltville, Virginia.  I would go and spend my summers in Baltimore before I was a teenager.  Saltiville was the home of Olin.  Olin produced mercury.  My backyard was full of muck and mercury.  I remember putting mercury in a pop bottle and then busting it later.  Saltville was a booming town.  Olin was shut down and many people left Saltville.  Now the house I grew up in has been tore down.  In fact, about all the houses in my neighborhood have  been tore down.  Like I said, not many people live in Saltville anymore.  Now, the high school only has around 200 students grades 9-12.  Last year, we had a 'Muck Dam Reunion.'  We all met and went to church and then we went to where our house use to be and had a picnic.  What a blast we had!!!
'Good times and good ole friends'

Muck Dam Reunion

2. What song makes you laugh?
The only song I can think of is by Ray Stevens--"The Streak"

3. If t Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Read the books? Seen any/all of the movies? Will you be standing in line somewhere close to midnight later this week? For those of you playing along today who live outside the US or UK is Harry Potter a phenomenon in your part of the world?

Not a fan of Harry Potter.

4. If the truth hurts, will you tell a lie? Are we better off as a society in a world that allows no form of deception whatsoever? depends on the person and the circumstance.  I am not the type of person who wants to hurt someone's feelings (even though I am accused of being too blunt) so instead of giving an exact answer I usually say ---ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies-the easy way out, right?  But the truth can hurt sometimes, so if I am pestered enough I say " okay-get your big girl panties on" and spill the truth. I have made it very clear to my daughters to always tell me the truth because if I find out otherwise the punishment will be more severe!!!!!
For the second part of the question- As a society do we dodge the truth?  because we don't want to know the truth.

5. What is your favorite 'sauteed in garlic and butter' food? Or garlic and olive oil if that makes you feel better.
Shrimp on the grill.
6. Attending any reunions this summer/year? High school? family? Other? Do these events stir up excitement or dread?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I will be seeing Joyce in a couple of weeks.  We will be having a sorority college reunion.  
In September, I will be attending a high school reunion and my neighborhood reunion.
Definitely excited about all reunions!!!!

7. Lilac, hydrangea, peony...pick one.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Just received a phone call about my teaching assignment next year.  Now the summer is ending too fast for me.  Of course, I am not too thrilled  about it either.  Don't call me now-wait until the night before!!!!!

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...