Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weekend Rewind...

For those who follow my blog you know how much I am a a fan of Relay for Life. This year and last year my school had put a team in this event.  Our school's team is Can-SOAR-which means we will rise above cancer.  I am kinda in charge of the fund raising for our team and we have done some projects.  The latest project is Student Choice for their favorite Snowman.  On Friday, the Snowmen were put on display...Really Great Snowmen and a huge thanks to all classes who participated....

Some pretty 'cool' snowmen.
The student's vote by placing money in a jar, and the snowman that collects the most money is declared the winner.  Also, the class who sponsored the snowman receives a prize.  The students enjoy this and it does raise money for Relay for Life.

Saturday, I went to watch my cousin play in an AAU Basketball Tournament.  Sad, but true, I miss this-seems like only yesterday I was watching youngest daughter play.  Where did the time go?
Hub said I didn't miss a beat--by that he meant my voice of yelling was back on!!!

I haven't told him yet, but I have signed grandson up for Little League Baseball-I was just practicing my vocal cords!

Later, hub and I drove and found the Dutch Pantry.  I fell in love!!  Homemade everything-from butter, to jams, jellies, bread, apple fritters, cakes/pies, etc.  Hub later explained to daughters that it was ME who caused us to be late for dinner, because it was like pulling teeth to get me to leave.  Definitely a favorite place of mine.

Sunday morning a little snow was on the ground.  Of course I went into panic mode- youngest daughter was having to drive back in this.  However, by the time she left all roads were clear as a bell.

Quiet in the Doane house tonight. :(


  1. I. Need to tell my daughter about the snowman fundraiser. She is co-chair of Relay for Life at her college and they are always looking for new idea.s

  2. The snowman fundraiser is such a cute idea! I love the creativity and am a big fan and supporter of Relay for Life. Quiet in my house too : (


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win? What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  I did watch t...