Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. Ever played the game Farkle? Are you a risk taker? In games only or also in life?

No, I have never played Farkle...I had to google it (Ha!)

In life, I am not a risk taker, but Hubs was!  So many risks he would take and I would worry and worry and he would say "It will be alright."  AND he was right!

In games, I am a risk taker.

2. What's your favorite thing about your yard or whatever outdoor space you may have?

I have a huge back yard with a shade tree.

Now, that I am in charge of the lawn, I sometimes wish for a smaller yard.

3. Tell us about the most interesting building you've seen or been in.

About 9 years ago, hub and I went to DC.  Hub had never been (he wasn't too much of a traveler) and we toured many buildings.  The Smithsonian is always a favorite of mine.
BUT My Favorite of all times....

It would have to be the Biltmore.  I love it and could go every month. Technically, it is a house, though.

4. In this current season of social distancing, what's something you've come to realize you take for granted in more ordinary times? Do you think you'll make a conscious effort to appreciate whatever that 'it' is once normal life resumes?

Running to the grocery store for an item I had forgotten.  Some days I was at the grocery store 3 times in a day..always forgetting something.  Now, I have a list and if I forget something I do not go back.

Something else I have taken for granted is human interaction.  I miss human interaction and living by myself is BORING and LONELY!

I miss my grandsons. I would hop in the van and go to see them from time to time...always sure not to wear out my welcome BUT I sure miss them.  We Facetime but it isn't the same.  I miss the hugs and kisses.

5. Share a favorite song with a springtime flower in the lyrics somewhere.

The first song that came to my mind was 'Every Rose Has Its Thorn'

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I had a couple of surprises last week.  I have been keeping Nate who is 11 years old since school has been out.  We have been completing his school work each day.  Last Tuesday, Nate didn't want to do much school work and I fussed at him explaining how important it was to keep up.  That afternoon there was a knock on my door and there stood a lady with flowers.
 The flowers were from Nate and the card was thanking me for teaching him.  The tears flowed!  Nate said he knew it was Teacher Appreciation Week and he called his grandmother and told her he wanted to send me flowers.  Shew!!  after I had fussed on him earlier.

Saturday, I had a nice surprise from a friend.

This being my first Mother's Day without my precious Amanda my friend said these would cheer me up.

Mother's Day was rough.  I cried all day.  That evening I pulled myself together and went for a ride.  I love M & Ms with a beer and I was out of M & Ms.  When I got home I made a sign and put it on Facebook.
I did this for a laugh.  Low and behold I had three bags of M & Ms on my table.
It was nice catching up with these friends. 

Wishing all a Blessed Week....Whisper a prayer for Liam he has to return to Niswonger Hospital Thursday and next Thursday...poor fellow can't catch a break.  Thank-you


  1. What great friends you have to do such thoughtful acts. And oh what a gorgeous tree you have to enjoy. So sorry your Mother’s Day was so sad, but I’m sure you were flooded with precious memories.

  2. Flowers and M&Ms are sure to bring some cheer! Sounds like you have some very thoughtful friends. And those little grandsons are precious. Hope your day is a good one.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. Something you're working on currently?  Currently working on two things right now!  One, I am trying to clean off my garden.  My ga...