Monday, October 8, 2018

Daughter's Wedding

 It happened....
#1 Daughter got married Saturday....

The wedding rehearsal dinner was held on Thursday evening.  The groom had a few men  who were high school football coaches...and we all know that on Friday it is  football that was okay to have the rehearsal on Thursday.  I liked it... so Friday was spent decorating the church and the reception hall.
These two little guys were ushers.
Nate loves his little cousin.

Saturday was a gorgeous summer (even though the calendar said October) day.  Daughter has had three open heart surgeries and her last open heart surgery was last year...October 12, 2017 to be exact (a mother never forgets).  Her two pediatric cardiologist, her surgeon's assistant, and her echo cardiologist drove down frpm Charlottesville.  Daughter was thrilled and some tears were shed remembering all she had been through...and how far she has come.

Two of my closest friends who are also college roommates and sorority sisters came from Atlanta.
Had to have a picture with Father of the Bride.
Picture with #2 daughter and her little man. They spent the weekend in daughter's apartment.
I was so glad to see them.

I was so happy for daughter.  She was a beautiful bride..I am not a bit prejudice!

Everyone seemed to enjoy the reception and loved the band.

Here is just a few pics....this Mother of the Bride...forgot to take pictures!  Shame on me...I was just enjoying Daughter's Wedding Day. Thank you to all who shared pictures with me.

 Father and Daughter glad hub was feeling okay.  Cancer is tough ya'll.

Their first dance as husband and wife.

The best looking ushers a mom could want.

 I only shed a few tears and was doing pretty good until her sister became teary eyed.  The love between no other.

 It was a beautiful wedding, and I was so glad hub was feeling like dancing.

Now, I can't wait to see the professional pictures.


  1. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, and your daughter made a beautiful bride. How wonderful to have her doctors there too. And I'm so glad hubs was feeling up for the occasion. I keep you all in my prayers. Best wishes to the newlyweds!

  2. I'm so glad Charlie felt well for the wedding! It looked beautiful, so happy for her!

  3. HOW FUN! Congrats! Everyone looks so lovely!!!!! What a beautiful bride!!!
    & that cake & display are absolutely gorgeous. I love cupcakes at weddings. So much easier than cutting hundreds of pieces of cake.


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