Monday, July 2, 2018

Welcome July

This past week....shew glad we moved on to July!

Hub has been battling cancer again (first time in 2010) since Feb. of 2017.  This second round has been a doozy.  He has been allergic to the first two types of chemo, third type of chemo quit working, and this fourth type of chemo (he is currently taking) really lowers your WBC....his dropped to 0.8.  He then had pneumonia last week and had to go to the emergency room twice.  BUT he is feeling better today!!

Tomorrow is my birthday....July 3rd...almost a firecracker!!  My daughters and hub keep asking me what I want...Nothing....I only want hub to get better, to get stronger, to get back to where he use to be.  This cancer has stolen so much from us....our security, our happiness, our comfort...and the list could go on and on.  We (He) do have our good days and take full advantage of that!  Hopefully and praying there will be many good days left.  Hub's birthday is July 9th and that is the day he returns to Duke for blood work and scans....scan anxiety is already coming into play. Prayers appreciated.

We don't have any special plans for the Fourth of July.  A few years ago, we always planned a cook out, games, and then attend the fireworks.  So this year, we will just see how hub feels.

Last week it rained everyday.....Now we are in a heat danger index...with temps in the high 90s with a heat index of 104+.  Enjoying the comfort of the AC!  Yesterday, hub and I were talking how we knew it was this hot when we were growing up, but we didn't complain.  We had no AC in the house used only fans which tended to blow out hot air.  We didn't have AC in our vehicles, either.  We reminisced about how we would lay under a shade tree, ride our bicycle for hours in the heat,  never inside the house till dark,  using a water hose to cool off, and playing to the wee hours of the morning.  Time has surely changed. 

Wishing all a Happy Fourth of July....
If you live close to me stay cool!

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