Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. How did you meet your significant other? If you don't have a significant other, tell us how you met your best friend. 

Hub and I met in 1979 at a softball game.  Softball was a 'big thing' in the late 70s early 80s.  My dad and I went to a softball game (they also had the best hotdogs EVER).  Charlie, my late hub, kept staring at me.  I told my dad ,"That boy keeps looking at me."  Dad said for me not to look at him.  A couple of weeks later, Charlie called me.  At first, Charlie thought my dad was my boyfriend because my dad never looked his age.  After that first date, it was all love at first sight!!  We were happily married 37 years before he passed. 

2. It's Department Store Day (October 16) you still shop in department stores? If not do you ed miss that kind of shopping experience? Do you have a favorite department store? Any fun memories of department store shopping when you were a child? 

My favorite department store was JCPenney or Macy's.  I miss department store shopping or just plain ole window shopping. A fun memory was during Christmas going to the department stores and looking at all the windows decorated for Christmas.The only department store that is around here is Wal-Mart.  I miss shopping at the depI artment stores like Macy's, Sears, etc. 

 4. What's your favorite nut and is there a favorite recipe where this nut is used? 

I have two favorites nuts...pecan and almond.  I make pecan balls which uses only 4 ingredients....flour, sugan, pecans, and butter.  

5. On Wednesday we officially reach the '70 days until Christmas' mark. Have you purchased any gifts? If you don't celebrate Christmas then how about Hanukkah presents? 

I have not purchased any Christmas gifts and won't till after Thanksgiving.  I think Thanksgiving gets a bum rap and I like to celebrate Thanksgiving.

On the other hand, when I got home from school yesterday, there were huge boxes on my porch.  I knew I had not ordered anything.  I contacted daughter and she had a few of the Christmas presents for the boys shipped here.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

My grandson, Nate is on fall break.  They all went to Pigeon Forge.  They left Sunday and took their dogs to their dog sitter.  The dog sitter tried calling me Monday night, but I was at a meeting and had my phone on silent.  When I got home, I saw she had tried calling me.  She had gotten hold of Kenneth.  Champ, their dog, was sick.  Kenneth drove back to Chilhowie, then to Blountville to the vet.  Emily called me early Tuesday morning telling me Champ had passed.  Champ was very sick this summer and he spent many nights at Virginia Tech at the vet hospital.  The vet wanted to put Champ down, but Kenneth just couldn't agree to it.  The boys are devastated, especially Aiden.  He was very close to Champ.  They are coming home on Thursday and I know it will really hit them then.  And I am worried about Sadie, the other dog, she and Champ grew up together. Please keep them in your prayers.  Dogs are part of our family.

Aiden with Champ.

Have a great week and Enjoy Life!


  1. Aww, so sorry to hear about the pup. That's hard, especially when you're trying to deal with it from a distance. Those pecan treats sound like something my hubs would love. I enjoy looking through recipes this time of year and always like to try a new cookie to add to our Christmas baking. Have a good day!

  2. Fun story about you and your husband met. Clearly he was taken with you. Glad you had good years together. That is a sad story about the beloved dog. So hard to be away during this crisis. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

  3. Sorry to hear of Champ. I get it. We are animal people and it’s always hard when it’s their time.
    I’m so happy to hear you had 38 wonderful years with your husband. I enjoyed hearing your love story.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. How did you meet your significant other? If you don't have a significant other, tell us how you met your best friend.  Hub and I me...