Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind....

Friday evening hub and I took grandson to see The Peanuts Movie..  Ever since grandson saw the preview, he has been wanting to go.
Image result for peanuts movie

I must admit, I enjoyed the movie just as much as grandson.

Saturday evening was grandson's football-Flag Football-banquet.  His flag football-Upward-was sponsored by a church in our area.  At the games, all children had a chance to participate and for half-time a short devotion was given. If we would only look at our world through a child's eyes-how much nicer all would be. Children hold no grudges, forgive and forget easily, and enjoy the little things. The guest speaker at the banquet performed magic tricks and then tied the magic tricks into a message about Jesus Christ.  It was a great evening. Hub was amazed at the magic tricks and kept asking, "How did he do that?"  I responded, "It's magic!"

Today, I have thought a lot about Paris, like most are.  I can;t understand why people are so mean.  France is a country one hears little about and now this has happened to them.  I can't wrap my mind
around this terrible act.

Image result for maya angelou quotes
Have a blessed week.

1 comment:

  1. That Peanuts movie looks so adorable! I mentioned to my hubby that we should go see it. I'm just sick about the weekend events in Paris too. The Maya Angelou quote hits the nail right on the head. Have a great week!


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