Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Hop on over and join the Hodgepodge party.

1.  Did you make someone laugh yesterday? Was it intentional?

I think I did--I seem to always come out with something.
Grandson is in to wrestling, and on Monday he and I were wrestling.  I put my hair in a ponytail and after Grandson put a 'move on me' my ponytail wasn't a ponytail anymore. I could make out the comment as hub was laughing..look at your hair.

2. What's a simple question with a complicated answer?

How can the government be so far in debt? Where does our money go?

3. Rhododendrons or have to choose. Are either currently blooming in your yard?


4. May 21st is National Waitstaff Day. Have you ever worked as a waiter/waitress? How would you rate the experience? What was the best/worst part of the job?

I have never worked as a waitress.  In my opinion, I think being a waitress would be very difficult because a waitress/waiter is usually the person who is blamed for the meal not being served correctly as ordered.

5. What fashion trend for women should be outlawed? How about one for men?

For women-outfits that show too much skin!!  What happened to modesty?  For men-pants hanging below the waist-I don't want to look at their underwear colors!!

6. Name a writer who inspires tell us why.

Maya Angelou, a woman who defied the odds.

7. What well known quote or saying sums up your plans for today or this week?
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” As I think about retiring, I hear so many people say to me -just collect your pay and quit doing all this work-but I have a passion for wanting my students to learn! 
A quote I have told my daughters: “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve  got to go out and kick ass.” both  by Maya Angelou.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I had a busy weekend....Friday evening I attended a church meeting-some new ideas were given and hub and I sat on the porch and talked to the wee hours of the morning discussing this.  Saturday was Relay for Life..(something dear to my heart) and Sunday I traveled to Durham, North Carolina to attend a stockholders meeting.  Shew...I was glad to return to school on Monday.

Hub is a 5 year survivor!! He and I both still shed tears during the survivor's walk.


  1. Maya was going to be my first pick too. Then as a teacher Dr. Seuss is a part of our classroom daily so I had to put him first. I love wrestling with my grandkids too. No long hair to attend to though. This makes them laugh and what joy it brings me. Dread the day I can no longer get back up. Great

  2. So glad for your hubs continued good reports. Retirement takes some figuring out, but you'll enjoy it once you get the hang of it : ) Since we're also moving, I feel like we're not quite there yet, but hopefully soon.

  3. I love Relay For Life. The survivor's walk is very moving. Congrats to your hubby for 5 years!
    I'd love to know the complicated answers to your question for #2!

  4. Congratulations to your survivor husband! What a blessing! I loved your answer to #1 and that you are never too old to wrestle. Anticipate your retirement because it can be the richest and most rewarding period of life if prepared for and enjoyed. I'm living my dream!

  5. The Survivor parade at those things always make me teary eyed!!!

    Maya Angelou - good one!

  6. Great questions!!! Why didn't I think of Maya, she is very inspiring. You had a busy weekend and how wonderful for you to do the Relay for Life.

  7. The survivor walk is so touching. I cried during the one I attended this year.

  8. Love your flowers! I hope my azaleas will do half as well. Also I totally agree with men's pants. I tell my students all the time I don't want to see what they are wearing! Sheesh!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

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