Sunday, December 14, 2014

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend Rewind....

This weekend has held so many wonderful memories.

Friday evening, I met a few friends I haven't seen in awhile. We first attended an Art Walk in a nearby town and later returned to one of the houses for dinner.  This was my first Art Walk; I have always wanted to attend but seemed to have always had something to do and never had a chance to go until...This Friday!!  Walking through the Art Gallery, I am just in awe at all the beautiful work..and a little jealous that I don't have that talent.

After the Art Walk, we returned to one of my friend's house for dinner.  All had agreed to bring something so not causing too much trouble for the hostess.  Sitting down to dinner, we all held hands and the blessing was said.  I am very blessed to have these women in my life.  Conversation, food, drinks, and laughter filled the evening.

Sunday was an extra amazing day.  That morning as I was getting ready for church, I was a little excited because grandson's Christmas Program was that evening.  Yep, I was thinking about it early in the morning.  Before the end of the morning worship service, hub came to get me -I teach Wee Worship.  Hub's eyes were teary and he could hardly speak.  Grandson was getting ready to accept Jesus. How amazing!!  Tears filled my eyes as he said his confession.  Later that evening, after the Christmas Program, he was baptized.  The best Christmas Present EVER for this Mammow!

Wishing all a great week and Enjoy Life!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a PERFECT gift! I loved reading about this. I bet your heart was overflowing! Blessings to you!


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