Saturday, August 3, 2019

Crooked toes BUT Perfect

This little fellow had his check-up two weeks ago.  His pediatrician was concerned about one of his toes overlapping.  His mom, being a DPT, had been working with his toe nightly.  The pediatrician was still concerned so she made arrangements for him to go to Wake Forest to see a specialist. The appointment was Thursday.  Of course, I went...just to offer support and be an extra hand.  I kept little man occupied while his parents checked him in...and the other necessary paperwork.  I waited in the waiting room while they went in to see the doctor...we all know how small those rooms are.
The orthopedic doctor at Wake Forest was not concerned.  He believes the toe will straighten out and for daughter to continue doing what she had been doing. He said he was PERFECT! (I knew that already, ahem...All grandparents know that) Shew!!  A praise to God.
He was a little proud of him!

Daughter suggested we find a place to take Blake before returning home.  He had ridden in a car for 2 1/2 hours and then been confined to a hospital so she didn't want to put him in a car for another 2 1/2 hours before he could run off some energy. Daughter and her husband began searching places close by.  Luckily, there was a museum close by and it looked like fun.

The museum was a blast for Blake.  There was so much to do.
He enjoyed fishing.
Loves puzzles

These animals stole his heart.
Music??  He enjoys music...Dad not too much of a fan.
Playing with the farm animals.
Riding a scooter.
Playing school.

This place was amazing.  Blake was having so much fun.  He didn't want to leave, but the rest of us were getting hungry.  Honestly, Blake would have stayed all day forgetting the food!
After some coaxing, he was persuaded to leave.
We grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed home.
No longer than five minutes after getting in the car, Blake fell asleep (along with his Mama) and slept the rest of the way home.

So proud of this little man...he was definitely a trooper through all of this.  So glad his report was good.

Take Care and Enjoy Life

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