Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. What does the word values mean to you personally? Where did your values come from? What are some of the values that have guided you throughout your life? 

Values means to me something/someone that is important, worthwhile, and loved.  My values came from my dad and my grandmother.  Values that have guided me are kindness (holding my tongue), appreciation/gratitude, and forgiveness (I am a work in progress on this one).

2. Your favorite vanilla flavored something? 

Vanilla bean cupcake!

3. What's something you've seen/done recently that you found to be very difficult, very confusing, very helpful, very interesting, or very special. Elaborate. 

Very difficult....paperwork for the end of school

Very confusing...paperwork for the end of school (why so many duplicates)

Very interesting...watching my grandson play seems more like kickball to me

Very helpful...these young co-workers that help me correct my computer mistakes OH so helpful

4. Something you own and love that is violet in color? 

The only thing that I have is violet is a kimono that I wear occasionally

5. Do you have vacation plans on the calendar this summer? Tell us more. 

Trying to make some but at this time, I don't know if the plans will happen or not.  

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Going from 80 to 30 degrees isn't funny!!! 

I had a little boy tell me Sunday in church that he played little league baseball.  I said I would come one evening and watch.  His mom sent me a schedule Monday night.  Last night I went to watch him play and the grin on his face was priceless.  I was tired because I had been at school from 7:45 to 5:30 and I was hungry because of a situation I was dealing with earlier and had not had lunch, BUT I rushed to his game (which started at 6) and seeing his big grin melted my heart.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life


  1. Happy Hodgepodge Day! I enjoyed visiting and reading your answers. You made that little boy's day!

  2. I'm sure you made his day...a reminder that small acts of kindness are noticed and mean a lot. I hope your travel plans come to be!

  3. I think I'd like a violet kimono! That is so nice that you went to the baseball game!

  4. How old is your grandson? My boys play soccer and it's a very complicated game at their stage!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...