Thursday, April 21, 2022

A- Z Challenge....the letter 'R'




We (I) all have many friends and I cherish them. But there are a few friends who are genuinely real.  Friendship is one of the best aspects of life!

What makes a Real Friend?

1. Say the truth.. Yes, this may hurt but they only want the best for me.
2.  Forgive me... I have made some huge mistakes and said some things that I didn't even realize came out of my mouth!!  My real friends forgave me and realized this wasn't really me.  True Forgiveness
3.  Know my quirky always searching for my gum or sometimes the way I dress (ahem)
4.  Always have my back... Even if I am wrong, they always have my back
5.  Love my dorky personality...sometimes I behave ridiculously and that is okay with them
6.  They are friends accept me for who I am
7.  Reliable...they keep their plans with you
8.  Aren't phony...they show me who they truly are.  They open up to me which shows they trust me as well

We all need REAL friends in our life.

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