Friday, April 8, 2022

A-Z Challenge...the letter G




Most of us (well Me!) do not like the idea of accountability but the truth is that we (I) need it.  I am not always strong enough to resist temptation, especially when someone belittles my grandchildren I want to smart right back at them. I make poor choices, but  that's called being a human.  My girls tell how God wants me to respond because they see me going off the track. .  Yes, this is hard for me because it hurts when someone talks about me behind my back or talks about my grandsons.  I know my friends want what is best for me and this is why they keep me rooted.

My Godly Girls make me a better person. Guiding me when I have gone off the path or the track, help me to make better godly choices, and teach me about myself are just a few ways.  I was invited to go on a retreat with them...Christian Women's Retreat.  At first, I was hesitant because I only new my friends and no one else that was attending the retreat.  I went and that was the best decision I had made in a long time. I still have issues: mainly dealing with guilt over the death of my precious daughter because I was with her the entire day and then in the wee hours of the morning I was called to the hospital.  Being a mother, I just keep harping on myself that I didn't see anything wrong (my daughter had had 3 open heart surgeries) and I knew the signs to look for BUT I didn't see any.  I keep asking myself, "Why am I such a bad mother that I didn't see anything?" AND I had called her at 10:40 that night and by 3am she had died!!  I beat myself up on this. My Godly Girls keep me focused on God. 

My Godly Girls prays with and for me.  Our life is so busy and we lack time time.  But time constraints don't keep my girls from praying with and for me.  There have been numerous times, (NUMEROUS) I have called my friends in the daytime, evening, or WEE HOURS of the morning. They recognize the hurt and heartache I am experiencing and pray for me or pray with me. I have shared so  many of my struggles (spiritual, family situations, etc) with them. Having this kind of support is essential for me.  After our talks
/prayers, which can last from 20 minutes to 2 or 3 hours, I feel so much better.

I am so thankful for my Godly Girls and because this is so liberating to all of us!

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