Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A-Z Challenge...Letter T





When I first started planting a garden, I had no idea what I was doing.  But I love it!

I bought my tomato plants home and carried them to the designated location I had planned on setting them out.  I dug holes, planted the tomato plants, and immediately watered the plants.

Everyday, I would check the tomato plants.  I watched as the flower portion of the plant began to bloom signaling the birth of my tomatoes.  It was terrific for me, and yeah, it looked like an everyday thing; it’s not.  My garden is my store; so not everyone has the opportunity to go to the store and watch their tomatoes grow. Not only is this a blessing, but it made me smile!

My summer has many storms..even hail storms.  My tomatoes make it through.  This made me reflect on my own life.  No one can stop you from growing or moving forward in life.  My tomato plants were a perfect example of growth in the storms.

Even through the hardest of storms, I can grow.  I might get rained on, but I can still grow.!

Tomatoes …MY Tomatoes Make Me Smile!

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