Friday, April 19, 2024

A-Z Challenge...Letter Q






It used to unsettle me when I had nothing to do and it was quiet.  

But now I enjoy the quietness.  I still have days when in my mind I thought I must be a little bit ‘wrong’ for enjoying the quietness. I thought the outside world was scolding me or shaming me if I was just quiet.

It took awhile for me to get that feeling of ‘wrong’ out of my head.  I began to slowly permit myself to just be me and be still and quiet. 

What I learned from being quiet was:

I had more aha moments.  My mind had time to discover ideas and stumble upon aha moments.

Being quiet is a skill.  I found calm in silence and became more comfortable in my own company.

Reduced my stress.  I began to reflect on why I was stressed and then began to distress. 

There are many noises in our world to grab our attention and convince us not to be just quiet. Each intrusion creates noise or a distraction infused into my mind that I should be doing something else. 

Sitting in complete quietness gives me time to reflect.  I feel more at peace and I smile. Quietness isn’t something to be ashamed about, but quietness gives me something to smile about. 

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