Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rainy night inChilhowie.......Spring has left us

After enjoying temperatures in the 70's, it is now cold and raining ---AGAIN!!!  So I figure better write something-been awhile.........
Both daughters have already had spring break-not at the same time of course-different weeks, so on a Saturday before daughter #1 had to leave we decided to go out and eat....healthy!!!

healthy right??????

It was not exactly healthy, but good!!!!!  We enjoyed the talking and laughter with one another.  Then it was time for her to leave and of course her fellow had to come by and say goodbye.

Ready to go back to pharmacy school and study!!!!

We had a Mardi Gras Dance at school and had a lot of fun.  Well, the teachers did!!

Daughter #2 came home from spring break.  Weather was warm on her break.  She was chosen to be on the Mid South All American Basketball Team--Hey that's why you are in college-get an education--Proud of her.
Flowers started blooming and spring was in the air!!!!!

Then it snowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay-spring where did you go?  Pleas hurry back soon!!!!  Please, Please!!!!!

Almost forgot----my mother-in-law- who is 75 and weighs probably 75lbs. dripping wet----had a mouse in her house last night.  She called for us to come over-and she was scared too death--probably frightened the mouse!!!  I have to admit, I am very, very scared of a mouse also, but being the brave person I am for her, I stood on a chair with a broom and tried to scare the mouse out from her hutch, but no luck.  So we sat traps and she came to stay in our apartment.  Haven't caught the mouse yet-I wonder if there was one????  She says now, she thought it could have been her curtain moving!!!
So.....enjoy life!!!!!

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