Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday's Hodgepodge

1. April rolls in at the end of this week and in celebration of that infamous date (April 1st) answer this question-What is something foolish you've done?

What is the definition of foolish?  Could it be something 'stupid'?  A few years ago, we lived in the country.  My husband changes houses every 5 to 7 years!!!  Anyway we had this van-which I prefer to drive small vehicles, that's beside the point.  The girls and I were headed out and running behind as usual, so you can imagine the hurry up scene.  As I was backing out of the garage, I hit the garage with the side mirrors on the van and knocked the side mirrors off.  The girls just laughed and I went on our way.  Driving through town, still running late, a black truck was parked on the side of the road, in MY way-you guessed it-I hit the mirrors on the side of the truck and kept on going.  I told the girls not to tell Daddy that Mom would take care of it-no big deal.  Yep, you guessed it-quick as they saw their father-they blurted out-"Dad, Mom just hit a truck and kept on going."  Now my husband use to own (sold the company 2 yrs. ago) an insurance agency-so can you imagine the scene???  Which wasn't as bad as the time I hit the freezer in the garage and knocked it through the wall and my husband asked-"What happened'?  I said, "I don't know".  I knew he knew what happened, I just didn't want to admit it!!!  On a brighter note, I do foolish things daily-just a couple of days ago (Sunday as a matter of fact), I fell out of my chair.  My husband said he heard a thump but didn't know what it was.   Some days are very exciting around hear-Never a dull moment.  Did I mention I have dyed my hair WHITE!!!  no joke--again never a dull moment.

2. With April comes Easter and that classic edible treat known as tell me...what's your favorite way to fix/eat chicken? That wasn't what you were expecting, was it? I 'fooled' you. teehee.
Chicken--anyway YOU want to fix it is fine with me!!!!!

3. What's the best museum you've ever visited? Or your favorite? Or the one you'd most like to visit?

Smithsonian is my favorite museum.  I would love to visit the Holocaust Museum.  My husband hates to travel; he is so content staying in Smyth County.  Last year we went to D.C. only because daughter #2 was playing basketball there!!  I was thrilled-I figured in-between games, I could visit the Holocaust Museum.  My husband had other plans.  Seeing he had never been to D.C., he wanted to see other places like the White House, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, etc. :(  I had seen these-jeez.  Being the 'good wife' I obliged and toured these with him.  The Holocaust will have to wait for another time.

4. You know what they say about April showers...what's your preference-a shower or a bath?
Eye opener for me would have to be a shower.  I cannot get awake in the mornings without it.  There are times when I want to wallow in a tub of warm, soapy, water.  Relax with music on as I soak away my thoughts.  When the girls were younger, it was difficult finding time for this 'me' moment.  Now with my step-grandson, the baths are also fewer.

5. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"...fact or fiction? Why?
In my 'dating years' I would most definitely agree with absence makes the heart grow fonder.  There were times when I was in college, that I thought a week seemed like an eternity.  Now, I long to get home-just home from a trip-my own bed, my own bathroom, etc.  I miss my husband when away, but the little things I take for granted I also miss.  I do miss my husband!!!-just saying......

6. What's your favorite product made/grown in your home state/province?

Virginia  is known for its country hams!!!  Yum, Yum.  I love ham!!!!  The best ham is Smithfield Country Ham!!  Gotta try it.  We are also known for peanuts.

7. What is going on in the world today that affects you the most?
The situation in Japan.  I can't keep thinking about all the turmoil the people are facing daily.
Now I am going to vent--People or should I say students being disrespectful bothers me.  Just today I had a student (8th) grader tell me "No"!!  Now come on-what gives a student the privilege/right to say "no".  When I was in the 8th grade I never dreamed of telling a teacher 'no'.  Students have no respect and they say what they are thinking.  I mean it is okay to think something but you shouldn't say what you always think!!! Plus the student used the 'f word---and what discipline was given......just a smack on the hand!!!!Jeez!!!!! Then my hub want to know why I am in a tinsy when I get home!  As a society we need to instill in our younger generation the common values -respect!!!  Wouldn't the world be a nicer place if we did!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Took a walk after dinner to clear the head-a cool breeze helped !!  Have a nice week!!!!!
The weather was warmer then predicted so my husband grilled out-which was nice!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...