Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1.  I do not participate in the season of Lent.  :(

2. Traditionally pancakes are eaten on the day known as Shrove Tuesday which is the last day before Lent (March 8th this year). So....butter and syrup? Blueberry? Chocolate chip? ewww, no thanks!! What's your pleasure when it comes to eating pancakes?
Blueberry pancakes are my favorite with just a little butter and of course blueberry syrup!!!!  Yum Yum!!!
Sometimes I have blueberry pancakes for dinner. 

3. Spring is coming. (It is coming, right?) What's your favorite springtime flower and do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Two questions I know, but they're lightweights.
I have two very old dogwood trees and when they begin to bloom, it is breathtaking!!!! pink and white!!!
Like I have mentioned before, my husband and I bought an older house three years ago (parts of the house is 100 years old) and the lady who lived here before had a beautiful flower bed.  I remember walking in the afternoons and she would be out working in the flower bed.  I still don't know all the flowers in it, but she planted flowers that come up periodically-when one group dies, another one blooms-it is amazing.  My favorite is the iris-colors of pink, purple, yellow, red, lavender, orange, white, fuchsia, etc.  Now people walk by and admire my flower bed and I admit I didn't plant anything and then tell the story.  When they begin to bloom, I will post pictures.

4. "Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they make us see in ourselves." Author unknown. Agree or Disagree? Why?
Deep thought---So I am going to say our personality changes when around different people and different situations.  Didn't answer question, did I?  However, I can't wait to read other responses.

5. Since it's "March" and also the season of Mardi Gras....have you ever been in a parade? What's the best parade you've seen?
I love a parade!!!!!  In high school was in the band and of course in parades!!!!  When my daughters were in elementary school I was  in parades with them.  In Chilhowie, we have the Apple Festival Parade in September.  Chilhowie was once known for apple orchards which no longer exists :(.  Anyway. the town still celebrates with a parade in September.  This year, my husband and I fixed breakfast for anyone who wanted to stop by-country ham biscuits on the grill and sausage biscuits-nothing fancy.  Then we all went to the parade-which consists of bands and floats.  Later that night, we bulid a fire and make smores.
The best parade I have ever seen is the parade my daughters were in while in high school-Daughter #1 was drum major and daughter #2 played the trumpet-parades in Florida and Chicago.

6. You would jump up and down and shout for joy right now if someone told you___________?
My husband was cancer-free.  He was diagnosed with colon cancer in January of 2010-no symptoms just a check-up.  He went for a CT scan and an ultrasound on his liver on Monday, but we don't know the results-waiting is the hard part.......  He had a colonoscopy in December of 2010 and removed seven polyps that were not cancerous-now concerned with liver function- Our emotions seem to be on a roller coaster ride.  But I do know with God he does not put anymore on us than we can handle.

7. How clean is your car on the outside? Inside? Is there junk in your trunk?
I keep a clean vehicle.  My car is very neat with everything in its place.  I can't stand 'stuff' just laying in seats.  My trunk is spotless--with a few blankets just in case I break down in the cold weather.

8.  Random thoughts
Today I finished the first part of the Standards of Learning Test for Writing 8-multiple choice.  Tomorrow is the writing prompt-I am just as nervous as the students and I pretend I am not.  Sometimes instead of being a teacher, I think I am an actor.  Daughter #2 is home for spring break and it snowed Sunday!!  So we stalked up on nutritious food--doughnuts, ice cream, potato chips, cookies, and candy-Gotta Love Her!!!!
Daughter#1 had to leave in the snow Sunday to head back to pharmacy school-miss her and hated to see her leave.  Why do weeks go by too fast when my daughters are in??


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