Sunday, December 28, 2014

Weekend Rewind

 Weekend Rewind....

But first, let me tell about my Christmas.  

Daughter #1 has been working like CRAZY-with all the flu and other stuff going around.  We had decided to eat a Christmas Eve lunch-not be so rushed getting to church at 6 and then to my aunt's house afterwards.  Daughter said she would be home around oneish.  The table was set and then I waited and waited and waited and waited....

Finally at 3 she arrives-but couldn't stay long..for she had told her patients she would return by 3:30 to fill their prescriptions!  Of course, I was a little sad, but then daughter quickly reminded me of the oath she had taken in pharmacy school.  She literally 'woofed' down her lunch and headed back out.
I must admit, I wasn't thrilled about this at all! and I reminded her we would be leaving by 5:30 to go to Christmas Eve Service at church.

Daughter #2 and her finance wanted us to open gifts they had gotten Charlie and I before church service.  We did-which is not something we would normally do-but what the heck? Pictures were taken before we headed for church.

Daughter #1 Did make it to church!!  

Later, we went to my aunt's house.  My aunt is only one year older than me, so we are more like sisters.  Her grandchildren were there....
Daughter #1 with hub and cousin and cousin's youngest.

After presents were opened by the 'little ones', we ate and talked and ate and talked and ate and talked some more.  It was such a fun, relaxing evening.  Much talk surrounded around Christmas's of the past and such great memories we all shared.

When we had gotten home and daughter #2 and hub had fallen sound asleep, I sat quietly in front of our Christmas Tree and just listened to the stillness of the night.  I thought about how much my life has changed over the years and how this time next year...daughter #2 would be married and how new traditions would be made..and how...with each change we somehow learn to cope and in the end all things work out.

One of hub's Christmas traditions is having a huge Christmas Breakfast.  This year was no different except instead of eating at 7am we decided to eat at 11am to accommodate the grand kids.  Of course, I was wide awake and busy tail by 6:30-why my body clock won't let me sleep is beyond me.  As breakfast was being prepared  daughter #1 arrived.  Daughter's back was killing her-she blamed it on the long hours she had been working.  Daughter #2 the future DPT decided to practice some of her techniques on her...

Don't know if it helped or not-daughter didn't say only said her back was sore.

I love my girls

  and I can't believe marriage is just around the corner.  I keep pushing it aside for now..ha!

After breakfast, more presents were opened...

I hope all had a wonderful Christmas...

Now where was I...on Weekend Rewind....

Daughter #2 and the future bride-to-be turned 25 on Friday.  She didn't want a cake-says she needs to watch what she eats before searching for a wedding gown-nor did she want her usual dinner-Pizza-she opted for Japanese food--a thumbs up for me.
She always wanted some 'new items' -well new to me considering she has always wanted clothes, etc for her birthday.  This year she asked for...

Her finance also got her this cool shirt....

This is hubs reaction...

he just began smelling candles.  The all wedding thing hasn't set in yet..again we push it aside-at least for now.  We are trying our best to talk them into a later date---

Gorgeous Saturday weather-high 60's-warmish for this time of the year.  I need some cool weather-not too cool but not 60.  Saturday evening the rain began...Rainy, and dreary cooler temps on Sunday.

Hope all has a great week and Enjoy Life!


  1. Larry said that Emily is thinking about having her wedding at Lake Lure, which is where Katie got married. It's beautiful!!! Let me know if you have any questions. We can go down there sometime if you want to.

    1. Yep, she is thinking about it-I told her she needs to decide.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...