Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Are we always responsible for our actions? Are there any exceptions?

Always...a big word to throw out there..
I do believe we are responsible for our actions.  Just because someone makes us mad and we choose to act a certain way-it was our choice to act that way and not the person who made us mad. I know there are people who know what buttons to push on "our remote" that sets us off and this is just a fact of life.  Our responsibility is to find a way to deal with this (heard the saying-"he got my goat"?) and not play the blame game. I think I am rambling...

2.  Has anyone from your home town become famous?

I would have to say YES.  If you watch the television show Survivor, Tom Buchanan known as Big Tom was a contestant and later appeared in the series Survivor -All Stars. Tom grew up about 5 minutes from me and later attended East Tennessee State University (yeah!!) where he played college football.

S8 Tom Buchanan

So, yes, I think Big Tom is famous.

3. January was National Slow Cooker month. Do you own a slow cooker/crock pot? Did you use it last month? What's a favorite dish you make using a slow cooker or crock pot?

I do own a crock pot and I did use it last month--SURPRISED! I don't really have a favorite dish using my crock pot; however, I mostly enjoy soups in the crock pot.

4. How do you feel about private companies collecting data about you?


5. The Games of the 2014 Winter Olympics kick off with their opening ceremony this coming Friday....will you be watching? Which Winter Olympic event would you most like to see in person? Have you ever been to Russia? Any desire to go, Olympics or otherwise?

Will be watching the opening ceremony, and my favorite event...

Never been to Russia and no desire to go.

6. Share a good or bad sports related memory from your childhood or teen years.

Can not think of one--

7. What's a must have song for you on a work out play list? If you don't work out, run, swim, bike, walk, or anything else that could be construed as 'exercise', then what's a song that movtivates you to at least get up off the couch?

Every Monday, I go to zumba and I love this song-'Royals' by Lorde.  My instructor does a difficult leg workout to this.  Of course on Tuesday, I have leg pains!!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Rainy weather in my neck of the woods.  Hope all is safe up north with the snow!
Daughter coming home this weekend and going to watch boyfriend play basketball against Emory and Henry College on Saturday.
oops-sorry for posting the song twice!


  1. We're snowed in today, woke up to about a foot of snow, with icy snow falling now. Treacherous! Hubs working from home again-2nd time this week! I don't think I know that song, so will listen now. Enjoy your day!

  2. Oh, yeah...definitely remember Big Tom! How about that? I love that song by Lorde...don't know what it is. I think it must be the beat of it. Taking a listen to it now!

  3. I plan on taping the 3 hour Olympic highlight shows from the day that will be on each night. That way I can FF through things I may not want to see. I'm excited to watch!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...