Wednesday, May 8, 2013

wednesday hodgepodge

1. When the children of today grow up, what do you think they'll say about this period in time? What do you most hope they remember?

I am afraid of what children of today think. Anxiously waiting to read responses of others!

2. National Teacher's Day is celebrated in the US of A on the first Tuesday in May, this year May 7th...share how a particular teacher positively impacted you. 

A teacher that impacted me was my World History teacher, and he also taught Driver's Ed.  I remember just talking with him about his favorite type of music.  He was strict but fair.  His classroom was organized and he didn't tolerate any nonsense.  Years later, I taught English across the hall from him.  There was a few times, when I caught myself listening to him lecture and thinking how many times he had to call a student down-this wouldn't have happened in my day.  

3. What's a dish your mama made, that if set in front of you today would whisk you right back to childhood?                                                                         

Brown sugar pies!

4. Mother May I was a game we played when I was growing pieces, parts, or plugs required. What games from childhood do you remember loving that were also pieces, parts, and plug-free?

Playing kick-the can underneath the street light or playing red light, green light.

5. Besides your own mother, tell us about a woman who influenced you as a child?

My precious grandmother (on my father's side).  She was rather large and I use to laugh hearing my grandfather ask her if a tow truck was needed to get her out of a vehicle.  My grandmother was a devoted Christian woman.  My oldest daughter has had 2 open heart surgeries, and my grandmother would cry and pray with me over the phone.  I remember the second heart surgery daughter had-we were in Boston-the surgeon came in and said the surgery was needed or daughter would die within one year, but there was a 90% chance she would die on the operating table.  I had to call my grandmother-and she prayed with me on the phone and I cried.  She was something special-who influenced me more than my mother.  

6. Mamma Mia! What's the best play or musical you've ever seen? 

It has been so long since I have attended a play or musical-can't remember.

7. What are three smells that make you feel nostalgic?

country ham baking at Christmas, garden dirt, and burning leaves--all of these make me remember my childhood

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
A busy weekend is ahead!


  1. Your grandma sounds like a special lady. Everyone needs a grandmother like that. My maternal grandmother was that for me. We always said her prayers went straight to God's ear : ) I hope I'm that kind of grandma one day.

  2. Brown Sugar pies is a first for me! What were they made of...pure brown sugar? How interesting!

  3. I've never heard of brown sugar pies. You should share what they are, sounds interesting. I totally forgot about red light, green light! We played that one too. Have a great day!

  4. I've never heard of brown sugar pies but it certainly sounds like it would be tasty.

  5. Is a brown sugar pie like a a butter tart on a large scale?

  6. I'm going to have to Google Brown Sugar Pie! Yes we played outside under the street light too. Enjoy your week.

  7. Ooo! I LOVE the smell of ham cooking :) Hope you have a great weekend!!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...