Friday, October 28, 2011

I'm beginning to look and feel human again

Charlie and I drove to Kentucky on Saturday to watch Emily, #2 daughter play basketball.  It was a beautiful drive.  We drove 8 hrs.  Whew---what you do for your children.

Monday, Charlie had his doctor appointment-finally-with his oncologist.  So far--so good.  This was encouraging news.

Then......I felt like I had been hit by a dump truck.  I began chilling when I got home.  Quickly I began taking extra vitamins and airborne.  Tuesday I drug myself up and headed to school.  I didn't feel that bad, but not that great either.  As the day went on, I felt worse and worse. Quickly I made out lesson plans and went to see if the secretary could call a sub for me---then I called the doctor.  I left school and came home and went to bed before heading out to the doctor.  It seemed like 4:00 would never get here!

You know the routine--questions the nurse asks--What seems to be bothering you---my reply was--what is not bothering me.  My head hurts, my legs hurt, my hair even hurts, and I am chilling.  Temperature 103. No wonder I felt awful.  Next, strap test--negative.  Next, flu test--negative.  Hop on table and let me listen to your lungs.  Lungs sound clear, but you smoke sometimes and you could have pneumonia.  Could have?   So let me try and this point I am doctor give me Tylenol.  I begin.....I have a fever, but not strap throat nor the flu, and my lungs sound clear but because I sometimes smoke you think I could have pneumonia; and this is what you are going to treat me for?  Right.....

Now, I have had pneumonia  twice but who was I to argue with a doctor.  I came home, took meds, and went straight to bed.
Today, I feel sooooo much better-actually I feel like a human being.  Charlie even said I was beginning to look human again.    Just in time for the weekend--and......another road trip to Kentucky :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Time for answers......

1. How do you typically react in a sudden, extreme, pressure-filled crisis? Would we want you nearby in an emergency?

Usually I am calm during the situation, but afterwards I fall to pieces.  Even after weeks/months/years, I think back over the situation and become jittery.

2. Caramel apple-caramel sundae-caramel corn-caramel macchiato...of the four, which carmel treat would you choose?

Since I have to choose, I pick caramel sundae.  To me caramel is a little too sweet but when I put it with something cold like ice cream it is okay.

Not a fan of caramel apples--sticks to my teeth and have to dig around for hours to get it out! ha ha

3. Is there such a thing as destiny? Explain.

Ahem.....  I believe a person carves out his/her own destiny.

4. What's your favorite piece of furniture? I'm referring to something currently in your possession as opposed to something on your wish list.
We have a couch/sofa that was built in the basement of the house we bought.  It is made of solid wood and too big to get up the stairs.  I think this is so neat; Charlie thinks it is the ugliest piece of furniture he has seen.  My response to him is--get a saw and take it apart and that will be the only one you can get rid of the couch.

5. Wednesday night marks the start of the 2011 Baseball World Series. Did you know? Do you care? Will you be watching? Ever been to a professional baseball game? If you're not an American do you find the title 'World Series' annoying or amusing?

I am a fan of the New York Yankees-hard for some to comprehend since I live in the south.  When I lived in Baltimore, I use to go with my grandparents to watch the Baltimore Orioles.  I finally was able to go to a Yankee game this summer.  Watching a baseball game can become boring, but thank heavens for the seventh inning stretch.
'World Series' amusing---it is not the world - play -offs.

6. A sound that takes me back to my childhood is____________.
Now that my grandson is watching cartoons-I am reminded of a silly song.  Rain pitter-patter reminds me of my childhood, especially when you can hear the rain coming, but it hasn't reached your house yet.

7. On average, once you've linked your hodgepodge post to mine how many other participant blogs do you visit? Do you ever come back to the Hodgepodge later in the day or even the day after to read posts?
Quite a few-never really counted.  Usually am rushing off to work when I post or just arriving at work.  Later that evening I read the other post or even later that week.  I find it interesting to read others answers.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Is it too early to mention temps in the 80's and Thursday predicting wet snow-no joke.  Husband is supposed to have his oncologist appointment Monday-that is if it is not cancelled which it has been for the past two months.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

College Breaks....

 First let me begin by saying, I don't remember having college breaks while I was in college, but who ever thought of this-was a FANTASTIC PERSON!
Both daughters have been in for fall breaks  :(  just not at the same time.  Which in this case was great!  I got to spend good, quality time with both girls, and I didn't feel I cheated one daughter.
Daughter #2 had fall break last week.  Even though the univ was closed for a full week, she had to return early for basketball practice.  Ugh!  However, we did have fun.  She had to keep training for basketball on break so she ran 2-3 miles daily (thankfully I was at school while she did this--school came first here --you know :)).  Then she had to practice her shooting skills--shoot at least 500 times a day--again a huge thanks to Charlie for all his rebounding skills.  I was left with the important stuff--like just plain talking and watching television together.  Now this is important stuff!!  We watched her favorite show Dancing with the Stars which I had never watched before.  During commercial breaks, I had to show her 'my dance'moves.  I didn't realize why she was so quiet as I danced--then it hit me.  She had been recording me the entire time. Sneaky daughter #2 is what she is. Daughter #2 got to spend the day with grandson as he celebrated his birthday at Chuck E Cheese.
 :( when she had to leave on Wednesday.

On Friday as I was teaching, I look up and there was daughter #1--what a nice surprise.  Her fall break had started.  That evening we made plans to go ---shopping! this is our favorite thing to do together.  I mostly looked around while she shopped and shopped and shopped.  When the van became full of packages, we decided to call it quits and head home.
Sunday was a gorgeous day.  Temperatures still very warm, and we decided to cook out.  Of course, we cooked her favorite-chicken.  Then we settled in the swing to relax and talk.
She has to leave Tuesday :(

I truly enjoyed both girls being home.  Nothing special was planned--just do what we wanted to do.  Most of the time, we all try to please each other when we are home together,-one daughter wants to do this and the other daughter wants to do that-but not this year.  
Both girls are different-one is sporty-and all she wants to do is relax and watch television, and the other daughter is by herself and studies constantly and she wants to do something-she is like a wild animal out of a cage-can't sit still.  Even though both girls weren't home at the same time (which I know they both would have like this better), I enjoyed my time with both. Sometimes a mom just needs time separate with both girls.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 Things I Would Do If..........

Ten things I would do if I didn't have to work......

1.  No alarm clocks would be set.  I would wake up on my own without the blaring sound of the alarm clocks.  This would prevent my husband from hitting me to turn the clocks off and for once I would not be falling out of bed.

2.  Really enjoy my cup or cups of coffee.  I could leisurely drink my coffee as I read the newspaper or watch television.

3.  No schedule to follow---I would eat lunch when I wanted to not at 10:40, go to the bathroom when I need to-not between classes or when I have planning, talk/text daughters when I want to....

4.  Watch more television--well if anything is on worth watching.

5.  Join more book clubs.

6.  Try new recipes---I hate to cook because I am in such a tizzy when I get home.  Being more relaxed I think I would enjoy cooking.

7.  Talk/Call my friends just to chit-chat.

8.  Exercise more-or just begin to exercise.

9.  Smile more!!!!!!

10.  Read to children in the library---

One day..... I will do these ten things!!!!!  I just need to get Charlie back to work! haha

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Have you ever been 'asked' to report for jury duty? Were you chosen to serve? If not, were you happy or disappointed?

No-never--disappointed because I would like to serve on the jury-just to see what it would be like.

2. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being very), how mechanically inclined are you? Give an example to back up your answer.

Either a 1 or a 2----I have difficulty using a screwdriver.  Does this tell you something?

3. Beets-cabbage-cauliflower-butternut squash....of the four, which is your favorite fall vegetable?

Cabbage with corn beef and cornbread.  Yum!!!

4. What do you recommend to overcome self-pity?

Using someone else's credit card (hmmmm....husband's card)---- In this order: Shopping, spa treatment, and a girl's night out.

Girl's Night Out 2008 Wall Calendar
5. Do you enjoy classical music?
Sometimes----I listen to classical music for relaxation. 

I use to put grandson to sleep with Baby Einstein--sometimes I fell asleep before he did.

6. October is National Book Month...what's on your reading list this month?

Our bookclub just finished Sarah's Keys-meeting tonight.  We will choose a new book then. I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

7. What is your idea of 'cute'?
'Cute' as in.......
'Cute' as in.....'cute' outfits.....

'Cute' as in 'Cute' sunglasses.....

or 'cute' pics......

8. Insert your own random thought here
Charlie with his free time has been antique shopping for signs.  Here is a few he has found.
Happy Fall---Y'all and have a great week.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

and then he was three......

My grandson turned three this weekend.  It seems like it was just yesterday when I was feeding him his bottle and rocking him to nap time.  No more bottles and nap time for him.

It was a beautiful, fall weekend.  Temperatures felt more like summer than early fall but the trees are telling us fall is just around the corner.
Grandson turned three and I began to realize how fast time goes by.  What happened to this----
becoming now-----

Birthday Theme was of course, Thomas the Train
Then off to Chuck E celebrate.
He did get tired after awhile and decided to take a seat and relax
Nate loved his cake but........
he didn't want to eat Thomas.  As a matter of fact, he didn't want anyone to eat Thomas!!!!  He only wanted to eat the cupcakes.

Nate turning three made me start thinking.  His mother is not in the picture and I want him to remember what fun times he had as a child.  Starting tonight, I am going to keep a journal for him--important dates, vacations, and other accomplishments he makes.
I wish Nate a very Happy Third Birthday!!!
He has stolen my heart.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


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I am thankful for.....

1.  Sunday School Teachers and Wednesday evening teachers......Program would not exist if someone didn't volunteer to do the lesson and teach the little children.

2.  The beautiful weather we had for our Special Games Day---and all the people who gave their time to help.

 3.  My healthy grandson
 4.  McDoanald's for having McTeacher Night-----a nice way to raise money for schools
 5.  Book Fair--

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...