Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Do you enjoy puzzles? What kind (crossword, jigsaw, sudoku, etc)?  How often do you work a puzzle? 

No!!!  I can't sit still long enough to work puzzles of any kind.  They get on my nerves!! However, my two grandsons love puzzles and figuring out the pieces.  I am so proud of them.

2. Something you currently find 'puzzling'? 

I find it puzzling how someone can treat a family member like he/she doesn't exist.  Especially, when that person has bent over backwards to help them anyway he/she could.  This is just so puzzling to me. 

I was at a ballgame last night.  A person walked right by her mother, wouldn't even sit with her but chose to sit with someone else!  This is just so puzzling to me.

3. What's your go-to dish to take to someone who needs a meal (new baby, bereavement, etc)? 

Spaghetti or lasagna with a salad, bread, and a dessert for a new baby.

When there is a death in a family, I usually take a lot of paper products...paper plates, napkins, paper towels, utensils.  There is usually so much food; I think paper products would be more useful.

4. Do you watch any HGTV and/or The Food Network? If so, what's your favorite program there? 

No, I do not watch any of these programs.

5.  Wrap up your January in five words, with a five word phrase, or with a five word sentence. 

January is 75 days long!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

January is over!!!  Shew, it has been a long month.   I haven't been home much.  Going to basketball games three/four times a week and teaching is keeping me busy.


  1. That's a great tip about paper products. I always make sure my meal is in a disposable dish, no washing or worrying about returning it.

  2. Yes, what a great idea to take paper products. I think I would include some food storage bags for all the leftovers.

  3. I like the idea of paper products for the bereaved, who often have a lot of people coming and going. I feel like I blinked and January was done. Normally it is a loooong month here but whew, ours has flown. Have a great day!

  4. Happy end of January to you. Great idea for bereavement. I try to take any meal to someone in disposable products so they don't have to track me down to return something.

  5. Seems everyone noticed just how long January felt this year. I don't know why!

  6. Oh my...I feel your #2 answer so much. It really drives me crazy how badly people can treat their own family.

  7. It sounds like you're staying very busy! I don't get the whole ignoring family thing, either. There may be people in my husband's family I don't particularly care for, but I would never not acknowledge them when I saw them!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...