Thursday, April 15, 2021

April A-Z Challenge...Letter 'M'


Halfway there!!


                                             Moving Forward

Moving forward is requiring me to increase my faith.  In spite of my circumstances, I have to accept the cards I have been dealt.  Hard?  You betcha! at least for me.

I struggled with moving forward; I thought it meant forgetting.  But it doesn't.  To me, I decided what moving forward looks like which is:  I will grieve and feel the loss of my loved ones forever, I will always be reminded of them throughout my life, I will find my new normal and embrace it, and moving forward is honoring my husband and precious daughter by finding something beautiful in life and enjoying it.

By putting my faith and trust in God, I can do this.  There is purpose and meaning in life; I just have to take that first step of faith and move forward.

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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