Friday, April 2, 2021

ABC Challenge... B is for Beginning Again




                                            Beginning Again


I give myself permission to begin again.  I am not starting over, to me this is different from beginning again.  All my experiences have made me who I am today.

Begin again to embrace all life has to offer.  Open my eyes to the light of a new day. I made a pact with  myself that no matter how I feel (anger, sadness, bitterness) or what I think (choose not to believe all my mind says to me) that I commit myself to enjoy life.

Some days will be more difficult than others, but each day I will choose to being again.

I read this somewhere...just understand that I get sad sometimes.  Sometimes I shut the world out and when I feel better I'll let it back in.  I just won't keep the world shut out too long.

1 comment:

  1. I admire your attitude and know there are days that are so very hard still and always. May you feel the hope and promise Easter holds xo


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