Tuesday, April 6, 2021

April A-Z Challenge... Letter 'E'



Easter was just celebrated two days ago.  To me, Easter symbolizes rebirth.  A time for new beginnings, time for a fresh start, and a time for new hope.

I remember as a young child, getting all dressed up in my Easter outfit for church.  It always seemed my little church was packed at Easter.  Many people that rarely came to church showed up Easter morning.  The pews were packed.  Somehow I always sat close to my daddy on the church pew.  About halfway through the service, I would become squirmy. My head needed scratching and I wanted the bonnet off (which I would get the ribbon in a knot and of course Daddy would have to unknot it), I would pull at my tights, and my gloves now that was a different problem.  Daddy would give me the look and a quick elbow in my side.  These were his warning signs for me to sit still.

A few weeks ago while walking, (finally a day that was warm without rain) I felt Daddy's elbow in my side.  This jab came with a different warning and message.  It was a message to begin living again.  I have experienced the worst pain, but I can't go back and fix the past. I have to move forward. This message was on repeat my entire walk.  My warning from Daddy to stop shriveling away my life and  move forward.

Just as Easter symbolizes a new creation, a new beginning, and new hope, and a new life so will I.

I have power to bring light into my life.  I have hope when my heart is breaking and aching, when the pain is sometimes unbearable.  Hope that will persevere me through each day. Hope will sustain me.


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