Monday, April 5, 2021

April A-Z Challenge....Letter D




Determined to declare this statement every morning, "Today is going to be a great new day." I look at my calendar daily (every morning and every evening)  therefore I put this saying  on a post it note and stuck it to my calendar.

I wish life came with a rewind button, but it doesn't and honestly there are a few things in my life I don't want to rewind.  I am sure I am not the only one in the world that wishes this.  Just would like some important, meaningful milestones to rewind.  

Starting my day with a positive statement will put me in a better frame of mind. And reduce my negative thoughts.  I am determined to make a conscious effort to think positive. 

"Be willing to be a beginner every morning." (Meister Eckhart).  Today is a new day and a new me to make memories. Spend time each day looking for positive  things (turn off the news which is so depressing).  Train my brain to look for the positives instead of the negatives.  Since COVID my exercise classes have been cancelled.  Going to exercise class put me in such a great mood and I never thought so much about negative thoughts. I am training my brain to concentrate on positive things. These last 4 days I have been doing this and eventually this will become a habit.

I don't know what the future holds for me, but I will focus on this...I know WHO holds the future.

With a new day comes new strength and new thoughts.


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