1. Find a penny. Look at the date and tell us something about your life or what you were doing that year?
Penny date 2003. I was teaching ...same school I am currently teaching (part-time) and the same subjects...Math 6, Math7, and Pre-Algebra. Back in 2003 throw in English 8! I imagine I was busy with both daughters, who were both involved in school stuff...the band, sports, scholastic bowl,etc. Busy but how I miss those days!!! I was currently living in my favorite house EVER!! have moved twice since then.
2003 a year that I can't remember any major headlines so it must have been a year without drama.
2. Were you given an allowance as a child? Did you have to earn it in some way? Did you learn to save money when you were a child or is that something you figured out as an adult?
I was not given an allowance when growing up. No allowance was given till I was a freshmen in college. Even though I wasn't given an allowance as a child, there were chores to be done and consequences if the chores weren't completed.
Saving money was something I figured out in college and really mostly as an adult.
3. April 23rd is National Take A Chance Day...what's a chance you need or want to take?
A chance I want to take is taking a trip. But I don't want to drive 6 hrs by myself. I am just not comfortable (right now anyway) driving a long distance by myself to a place I am not familiar with at all. Desperately want to meet up with my friends and there is no way geographically we can hook up without going hours out of the way. I have even looked at flights and there appears to be no way. Wanting to go but hesitant.
4. What's some outdated slang you seem to use a little too often?
Two words came to mind. First word, split. Let's split when I was ready to leave. The second word is bummer. I still use both of these words.
5. It's National Poetry month and I always like to make us work our brains a little...
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am thinking about
Getting a 3rd tattoo
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I was able to mow the lawn yesterday. Glad I did because it is cold here and the latest weather report is calling for snow flurries tonight. YIKES!!
Have a great rest of the week!