Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sibling Day....Wednesday Medley

Thank you for hosting.

.  Stealing the questions from above:  How many siblings do you have? Are you rivals or do you support each other in all you do?

I have one younger brother.  Our lifestyles and beliefs are totally opposites.

2.  Have you heard of the Birth Order Book?  What are your thoughts on the premise that your birth order affects everything you do in life?

I had not heard of the Birth Order Book.   I truly do not believe your birth order affects all you do in life.  I do believe, we all have a choice and our choices do come with consequences.  I think one of the things that bother me is people saying...oh he/she is the middle child and that is why he/she acts that way...or he/she is the baby of the family and that is why he/she act this way...I think we make excuses for one's behavior way too much.

3.  Is there something that you still do that drives your siblings crazy?

4.  Are you closer to your siblings now than you were when you were younger?

My brother and I were definitely closer during our younger years.

5.  Would you dare to tell us an embarrassing story about a sibling?

I do not know any embarrassing stories about my brother.  Ready to read other stories, though!

6.  Tell us something random about your week.

For the past couple of years, this nice highs schooler has been working with us in our pharmacy.  He wants to be a pharmacist one day.  Last week, he asked me if #1 daughter (who is the pharmacist) and I would come to his signing....He has signed to play college football.  I am so proud of this young man.

Grandson and I have been enjoying the warm temps we have been having.

He absolutely loves being outside.
I absolutely love his hair.  The more you try to make it lay down, the worse it gets....#2 daughter, his mom usually puts a cap on him.  Me, on the other hand, just let it show.
I did wet it down, but when it dries, this is the result!!

Have a great rest of the week....AND Enjoy Life


  1. Oh my goodness... look at the grand baby.. so cute! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Congratulations to that fine young man. My grandson went to college on a full-ride football scholarship so I can testify that he has his work cut out, but also years of rewards for the hard work. Oh my, that grandson is so adorable!

  3. That little grand of yours is darling!!!

  4. My sister and I have different lifestyles as well but luckily, we find some things to come together over.

  5. That sweet little Grandchild is adorable!!! ...and that hair!!! Love it! Annster's Domain

  6. My brother right under me and I are total opposites. My baby brother and I are soooo much alike. It's so interesting!

  7. Your grandson's hair is adorable! I would let it show too! Thanks for joining the Medley and I'm sorry to be late getting around to everyone. It has been fun comparing answers and learning more about my blogging friends here!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

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