Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday Medley

Thanks for hosting.

1.  Let's talk about film scores/songs.  What is the first one that you thought about when you saw today's subject?

Image result for Dirty Dancing
I've Had the Time of My Life...

2.  Do you remember the first movie you ever saw on the "big screen"?  Would you tell us about it?

Image result for Love Story

Love Story

3.  Who is your favorite female movie star?  Who is your favorite male movie star?  Go ahead and list more than one if you must.

My favorite female movie star is Julia Roberts...favorite male movie stars are: George Clooney, Tom Hanks,and Sam Elliot.

4.  How about those old black & white movies!  Which one do you always stop and watch, even just a little, when channel surfing?

Image result for it's a wonderful life

It's a Wonderful Life

5.  Is there a movie quote that makes you laugh or one that you repeat often in life that you can share with us?  Will we know what movie it comes from without you telling us?

"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

6.  Please share something random about your week with us.

  Since husband passed away this past November, I've had to do a lot of things on my own.  This week, I tried to spray my kitchen ceiling with the popcorn stuff.  Oh My Word....the mess I made!!  I could hear hub laughing at me...and asking what on earth was I trying to do?!  Never Again!


  1. I loved Love Story ! Good luck with the ceiling!!

  2. Oooo Sam Elliot... he's a good one too! Oh my I can only imagine the mess the popcorn spray made. We did our counter tops with a type of spray...and oh my.. its been a few years, and I am still finding stuff! Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Go you for spraying the ceiling! I can only imagine what a mess that thing can make!!! You are very brave!! Annster's Domain

    1. I would not know the first thing to do with the pop corn stuff. I have seen my husband do it, but I would have made a mess too. Loved your answers! Have a nice Wednesday!

  4. Oh my to the popcorn ceiling! I'm happy our new house doesn't have them. Thanks for joining the Medley today! It has been fun comparing everyone's answers!!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. February 26th is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day...have you read a fairy tale lately? What's your favorite fairy tale? Do you believ...