Thursday, October 4, 2012

Jammed Pack

Some weeks are so jammed pack.  This was one of them.  

I haven't had time to rest up from the weekend activities and then WHAM!!  here I go again.  I am thinking it isn't Christmas.  You know how it is at Christmas-so many functions to attend and never home.  Well, this is how my weekend and week has been. 

We had Special Games this week.  What an amazing group of athletes.   This day always brings a tear and a smile to my face.
Many games and we had our own celebrity--Big Tom.  Big Tom played football at ETSU and was one of the finalist on 'Survivor' a few years ago.

The beginning of the race is so special.

We also had volley for a cure-volleyball game,

The players, fans, and school is decked out in pink.

I did win...
when my name was called.

Some weeks are just busy.
Weekend is now beginning to be jammed packed--will be keeping grandson Friday night, having his birthday party on Saturday, and traveling with #1 daughter on Sunday.  
I can't help remember what my daddy use to say to me which was---"Take time to stop and smell the roses."  I would reply--"I can't because when I stop, the world stops."  I can hear my daddy saying this to me now.

Enjoy your weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm tired just reading all that you have done!
    Hope your find a little time to relax.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...